
发布 2020-07-19 14:35:28 阅读 7333





1)qqa. |kju | b. |kjuc. |ku |

2)eea. |ib. |aic. |i: |

3)bba. |bi| b. |bic. |a: |

4)ssa. |es | b. |ai | c. |eis |

5)xxa. |es | b. |ks | c. |eks |




soupa、草莓 b、熊猫 c、汤 d、茄子 e、女裙。


)1、a、book b、foxc、bag


)3、a、sister b、brotherc、really

)4、a、desk b、applec、pear

)5、a、wall b、dressc、floor

)6、a、stronger b、shorter c、finger

)7、a、redb、yellow c、brother

)8、a、chair b、myc、your

)9、a. fiveb、seven c、doll

)10、a、run b、sun c、jump


)1. amy is a teacher, she __english.

a. teach b. teaches c . teacher

)2. who is he? he isbrother.

a. mine b. my c. i

)3. what day is it today. it’s___

b. july c. spring

)4. happy birthday!

a. the same to you b. thank you

) jie likes __a bike.

a. ride b. riding c. rides

) clock. it’s nice.

a、in b、 at c、on

)7is it? it’s seven o’clock.

a、what time b、 how many c、 how much

( )go to school ?

a. is b. does c. do

)9is the cinema?

---it’s near the post office.

a. when b. where c. what

) are you going to do __sunday?

a. on b. at c. in


) much is ita. yes,please.

) i help youb. i’m going to the park.

) are you goingc. it’s ten yuang.

) tall are youd. i’m twelve years old

)5、how old are youe. 140cm


) ne(飞机) a. a b. oc. e

) p (停) a. e b. kc. o

)3. s n(儿子) a. a b. o c. i

) spital(医院) a. a b. ec. o

) n (瘦的) a. p o

) bway (地铁) a. a b. ec. u

) **) a. ch b. ah c. eh

) on (洋葱) a. i b. e c. o

) key(驴a. ec c. oc

) ss( 连衣裙 ) e c. i


this is mike and his brother’s bedroom. it‘s not very big, but it is are two beds in the room. there is a desk between(在。

中间)the beds. there are some books on the desk. .

some are english books. some are chinese books. there is a phone(**机) on the desk, too.

there are two chairs beside the desk. one is for mike’s, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. there is a map of china on the wall.

there is a map of the world(世界的) on the wall, too. mike and his brother like their bedroom very much.

( )1. the bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

( )2. there are two desks in the bedroom.

( )3. there are some chinese books on the desk.

( )4. there are two maps on the wall.

5. there isn’t a phone in the bedroom.


总结。龙坑镇八里小学 何世伟班级 六 1 2 今年,我上了六年级两个班的英语,通过一学期的教育教学工作,感触很多,现总结如下 一 工作亮点 六年级的英语教学,对自己,首先就是要认真备课,认真批改学生的每一次作业,就连学生的家庭作业也是如此,同时,学生做的作业要要做好适当的评语,学生有缺点点要及时的给...


填表人 填表时间 2020年4月7日。学生基本情况分析。六年级有2个班,每个班学生人数为34人。学生已具备了一定的听 说 读 写英语的能力。但由于疫情期间有的学生在家学习自觉性不太高,学生作业上交成绩出现两极分化,加之教材难度偏大,教学目标的达成难度比较大。因此,本学期应加大后进生转化的力度,因材施...


勺窝乡希望小学2013 2014学年度第二学期六年级英语学科教案。课题 unit 1 how tall are you?第一课时 课型 新授。教学目标 1 能听 说 认 读taller stronger older younger shorter单词,发音准确。2 能将所学单词在日常实际生活中进行灵...