江苏省六年级上册英语提高班试卷 六

发布 2020-08-19 10:10:28 阅读 6970




)1.a.我朋友的生日在6月15日。 b.我朋友的生日在7月13日。

c.我朋友的生日在7月15日。 d.我朋友的生日在6月13日。

)2.a.所有的学生都非常兴奋。 b.这个学生非常兴奋。

c.所有的学生都非常开心。 d.那个学生非常开心。

)3.a.去年过生日我得到一个cd。 b.我想要一个cd作为生日礼物。

c.今年我想要一个照相机作为生日礼物。 d.去年过生日我得到一个照相机。

)4.a.公交车总是会迟到。 b.公交车在星期天很准时。

c.公交车在周六会迟到。 d.公交车在周六不会迟到。

)5.a.那个公共标志昨天在那里。 b.那个公共标志昨天在这里。

c.那个公共标志昨天在树上。 d.那个公共标志昨天在墙上。 (6.a.史密斯先生得到了10元钱。 b.史密斯先生拾起了10元钱。

c.史密斯先生被罚款10元钱。 d.史密斯先生拾了10元钱,又被罚了10元钱。

)7.a.我们放学后跑步好吗? b.我们放学后进行一场跑步比赛好吗?

c.我们放学后跑步。 d.我们放学后一起跑步好吗?




1.a.eleven. b.twelve. c.ten. d.nine.

2.a.at home. b.in the park. c.at the zoo.d.in the class.

3.a.sunday morning. b.sunday afternoon.

c.saturday morning. d.saturday afternoon.

4.a.it’s on the 9th of april. b.it’s on the l6th of september.

c.it’s on the l9th of april. d.it’s on the 6th of september.

5.a.yes,he isb.yes.he isn’t.

c.no,he isd.no,he is going to h**e party on saturday.


1.a.ask b.always c.cage d.ago

2.a.june b.pubic c.run d.duty

3.a.pick b.sign c.excited d.film

4.a.date b.note c.fine d.take

5.a.january b.camera c.race d.grass

6.a.smoke b.second c.october d.costume


1.the boyhere a moment ago.

2.the books in the desk.

3.which present for you?

4.there many birds in the tree just now.

5.therean umbrella behind the door yesterday.

6.一sue is from japan.she canjapanese,english and french.

一oh.my dear.

7.can you me this story? i'd like to listen to it.

8.lucy and lily are to their friends about their birthdays.

9.jim says he can’ttom.he ishim.

10.let’s help lily.she isher new shoes.she can’tthem.

11.stop talkingto me,please.

12.can youthe sound over there?

13.a:what can you in this picture?

b:oh,a man istv?


b: .he’s there.

a:where? i still can’t see.

a:the picture carefully.

b:oh,i can now.


1.can i help you?

a.no.thank you. b.i'd like some cakes.

c.i like pandas. d.i need some new year cards.

2.today is my birthday.

a.oh.happy birthday. b.thank you.

c.this book is for you. d.all right.

3.what day was it yesterday?

a.mondayb.it was the 1st of may.

c.it is saturday. d.it’s the 2nd of july.

)4.here’s a new toy for you.happy children’s day!

a.thanksb.no,thank you.

c.thank you very much. d.thanks a lot.

5.what date is it today.

a.it’s the 3rd of march. b.it’s friday.

c.sorry.i don’t know. d.it was the 5th of november.

6.where was yang ling a moment ago?

a.she was in the classroom. b.she was on the playground.

c.they are in the park. d.at the bus stop.

)7.would you like to go to the may day’s party?

a.sorry.i'm not free now. b.ok. c.sure.d.sorry,i like.

8.when is liu tao’s birthday?

a.in the afternoonb.it’s on the l2th of august.

c.it’s coming soon. d.next monday.


who won the first gold medal(金牌)for our country at the turin(杜林)olympics? wang meng,a 21-year-old girl.it was her first time to skate at the winter olympics.she’s a speed queen of the ice.wang meng comes from heilongjiang.china.at the age of 8 she began to learn how to skate.the training is very hard.but wang meng never gives it up.she loves skating,and she is a good skater.now she got her first gold medal of olympics.


1.wang meng won the first gold medal for china at the turin olympics.

2.wang meng is a 18-year-old boy.


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