
发布 2020-08-15 01:16:28 阅读 2671


一、 听录音,判断。

判断你所听到的对话,是否与**相符,相符的画 ,不相符的画 。

6a 1. p62 2中赛跑的图 2. p26 11 右图。

3. p64 1购物的图 4. p41 图4

5. p64 图26. 5b p63 图。

二、 听录音,选择。


6a p41 图1, 2, 3, 6

5b p64 图2, 4


) 1. what day is it today?

a. it’s the 30th of september.

b. it’s the 1st of october.

c. it’s the 2nd of october.

) 2. what did su yang do in the afternoon?

a. she played the violin.

b. she watched cartoons.

c. she played football.

) 3. what did su hai do on national day?

a. she played the violin.

b. she watched cartoons.

c. she played football.

三、 听录音,填空。


1. yang ling played on the swings yesterday 5b p64 3左图。

25b p63 图4

35b p73 做饭的图。

45b p33 图1

55b p16 发烧的图。


dear yang yang:

i was at a __with my good __last weekend. lin meifood for us. we all __the food very much.

we played __and volleyball together. we also __a party __a big tree. at the party, we sanganda lot ofit was interesting.

we werevery much.

with best wishes

chen chen

) 1. chen chen was at a camping site with her classmates last weekend.

) 2. the food was not very good..

) 3. chen chen didn’t sing and dance at the party.

) 4. chen chen had lots of fun at a camp.

) 5. this is a letter from chen chen to yang yang.

笔试部分。四、 词。


1. hd a y2. b e f

3. _r r o t4. m o __t a

5. t o nt6. w es d a y (


1. 例子:orange (形容词)橙色的,橘黄色的; (名词)橙子,橘子。




2. 例子:board blackboard notice board



3. 例子:keep keeper





1、在农场2. watch a film

3、捡鸡蛋4. by the campfire

5、挤牛奶6. national day

7、拔萝卜8. play volleyball

9、浇花10. last week

五、 句。a)选择最恰当的选项。

) 1. he had a birthday cake

a. on tuesdaysb. on friday

c. at the weekends

) 2. there __a big apple tree, some orange trees and many pear trees.

a. was b. were c. did

) 3. they didn’t __in a small town last year.

a. live b. lives c. lived

) 4. ben and jack planted and __trees.

a. water b. waters c. watered

) 5. -did you want to go shopping?

a. no, we did.

b. yes, i didn’t.

c. yes, of course.


1. the girl dbbut the boy didn’t.

5b p38图2

2. the girl cthe wlast tuesday.

5b p43 擦窗户的图。

3. yang ling didn’t mclast week.


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