
发布 2020-07-16 00:35:28 阅读 8754

unit 5 on the farm

一、单词。假日,假期 最后的 早的,早地 4. national 国家的。

在…以前 6. did (do的过去式) 品尝 8. farm农场,农庄。

电影 胡萝卜**母牛,奶牛有趣的事,娱乐

采,摘 15. wonderful精彩的,太好 拔,拖 野营,营地。

排球,排球运动 山, 20. activity 活动。

二、词组。national day 国庆假日 week 上星期。

first day of school 上学第一天 the holiday 假日后。

the school playground在学校操场上 class 上课前。

a film **一场电影 funny cartoon 一部有趣的**片。

a farm 参观农场 the farm 在农场上。

11. taste them 品尝它们 up carrots 拔胡萝卜。

cows 给奶牛挤牛奶 eggs 捡鸡蛋

15. plant flowers 种花 a lot of oranges 摘许多橘子。

17. walk in the mountains在山上行走 to go to the farm 想要去农场。

19..at a camp 在一个野营营地上 20. cook a lot of food 煮很多食物。

21. on the farm 在农场22. with my family 和我的家人在一起。

三、句子。is the first day of school after the holiday. 今天是节后上学的第一天。

2. what did you do last week? i watched a film with my parents on wednesday.


3. what did you do on the farm? we watered trees and pulled up carrots.


4. was there any juice in the bottle yesterday? yes, there were.


5. mr green cooked a lot of delicious food at the camp last week.


6. the light on my right is not very bright tonight. 今天晚上我右边的灯不是很亮。

7. what else did you do? i tasted oranges. 你还做了什么?我品尝了橘子。


如:a moment ago, just now, this morning, yesterday, last week/year/night/…,two days ago, three hours ago, …等。




a. 规则动词的过去式,词尾变化有以下三种:

1)一般情况下,直接在词尾加ed. 如:wash—washed, look—looked, climb—climbed

2) 以不发音字母e结尾的,加d. 如:like—liked, dance—danced

3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再加ed. 如:study—studied

b. 不规则动词的过去式变化没有什么规律。(应注意积累)如:

is/am—was, are—were, do—did, h**e/has—had, go—went, come—came, read—read,sing—sang, make—made, take—took, eat—ate, drink—drank, run—ran, draw—drew, fly—flew, give—g**e, drive—drove, buy—bought, meet—met, stop—stopped, carry—carried, put—put, write—wrote, keep—kept, stand—stood, see—saw, go—went,sit—sat,begin—began, grow—grew, tell—told, speak—spoke, let—let, find—found, teach—taught, take—took, give—g**e

3. 规则动词过去式的词尾读音。

1)在清辅音后读/t/如:helped, liked, watched.

2) 在浊辅音和元音后读/d/如:lived, listened.

3) 在/t/和/d/的后面读/id/如:wanted, planted.




如:i played football with my friends last sunday.


如:she didn’t go to school yesterday.

2) 一般疑问句:助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他?

如:did you read english last night?

3) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词what+助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他?

如:what did you do last week?

5. there be 句型的过去时态。

1)肯定句:there was/were a/an/some …

2) 否定句:there wasn’t/weren’t a/an/any …

3) 一般疑问句: was/were there a/an/any …?

回答:yes, there was/were. /no, there wasn’t/weren’t.


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