
发布 2020-08-11 12:09:28 阅读 8359


cycle 2 farewell party






1. it is the end of the school year. 这是学期末。

2. would you like to perform at the party? 你们想在晚会上表演什么呢?

3. let me see. 让我想一想。

4. let’s invite your parents to the party. 让我们邀请你们的父母来晚会。

5. the ferewell party will be on june 20th. 毕业会将在六月二十号。

6. i don’t want to say goodbye to my friends. 我不想给我的朋友告别。

7. it’s time to say goodbye to china. 到了该与中国到别的时间了。

8. i hope you will get better soon. 我希望你很快就会好起来。

9. we will give you a surprise. 我们将给你一个惊喜。

10. i feel much better . 我感到好多了。

11. i hope you like it. 我希望你喜欢。

12. this is a book about panda. 这是一本关于熊猫的书。



1)it’s time to say goodbye to somebody!是时候和···说再见。

再见的说法(ways to say goodbey):道别时,我们会说:goodbuy! /bye-bye! /bye!


see you! 再见!/ see you next time! 下次见!

see you later/ tomorrow / next time! 下次见!

so long! 再见!

good luck! 祝你好运! ●h**e a good time!旅途愉快! ●keep in touch!保持联系!

write soon! 尽快写信! ●take care! 保重!


may i speak to ··我能找···通**吗?

who’s that?你是谁?

this is···我是···

speaking。 请讲。

hold on, please! 请稍等!






exercise for recycle 2



1.there are many绵羊) at the river.

2. he is much重) than her.

3. the children are very兴奋) 。

4. i爬)a mountain yesterday morning .

5. she has a牙痛) 。


7. 假期你玩得开心吗?

youa good time on your holiday?

8. 上个月我去看望外公外婆。

i visited mymouth.

9. 他感冒,觉得很累。he has aandtired.

10. 他们昨天晚上在晚会上又唱又跳。

theyandat the party yesterday evening.


mike : i goingle**e next week.

zhang pengsorry to hear

mike : ia wonderful time china.

zhang peng : we enjoyedyou.

mike : imany good memoriesbeijing.

zhang peng: you willgreat memory.

mike: what it?

zhang peng : wegoing to h**eferrewell party this weekend.

mike: thank you . i amgreatful.


1. ab:i sang and danced yesterday.

2. ab: i’m 37 kg.

3. ab: i can do chinese kung fu.

4. ab: this is liu yun speaking .

5. ab: yes . everybody is h**ing a good time .

6. ab: zhang peng is playing the piano.

7. a: were there any presents on the table ?(作否定回答)b8. a

b: the rain comes from the clouds.


little red-cap

once upon a time . there was a pretty little girl ,named little red-cap. she wore (戴) a litle red cap .

it was from her grandmother . the girl loved it very much.

one day ,her mother asked little red-cap to take a piece of cake and some medicine to her grandmother . little red—cap was so excited. she went into the woods.

she saw a wolf . little red—cap told the wolf she’s going to her grandmother’s house near the mountain. little red—cap picked some flowers for her grandmother in the woods.

the wolf ran to the grandmother’s house and ate grandmother. when little red—cap got to grandmother’s house ,the wolf ate her,too. at this moment,a hunter(猎人) went to see little red—cap’s grandmother .

he saw the wolf and cut it. grandmother and little red—cap jumped out of the wolf’s stomach.(肚子)。

) 1. little red –cap got her little red cap from her grandmother.

) 2. little red—cap saw a wolf and picked flowers in the woods.

) 3. the wolf only ate little red—cap’s grandmother.


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