PEP六年级英语下册复习 句子

发布 2020-07-23 02:05:28 阅读 7491

my leg hurts. 我的腿疼。 my throat is sore. 我的喉咙痛。 my nose hurts. 我的鼻子疼。

how does amy feel?艾米感觉怎样? she’s tired.她是累的。

how does lisa feel?丽萨感觉怎样? she’s happy.她是高兴的。

how are you, liu yun?刘云,你好吗? fine, thank you.

好,谢谢你。 you look so happy.你看起来是这样的高兴。

you look sad today.你今天看起来忧愁。

i ’m excited. 我兴奋。 i failed the math test.

我这次数学测验不及格。 i ’m sorry to hear that.我听到这个消息很难过。

=i’m sad to hear that.

unit 3

词组:wash the clothes洗衣服 washed the clothes洗(过)衣服 clean the room打扫房间 cleaned the room打扫(过)房间。

watch tv看电视 watched tv看(过)电视。

play football踢足球 played football 踢(过)足球。

visit grandparents看望外祖父母 visited grandparents看望过外祖父母。

play the piano 弹钢琴 played the piano弹(过)钢琴。

do homework 做家庭作业 did homework做(过)家庭作业。

go to a park去公园 went to a park去(过)公园。

go swimming去游泳 went swimming去游(过)泳。

go hiking去郊游 went hiking去郊游(过)

go fishing去钓鱼 went fishing去钓(过)鱼。

句型:what did you do last weekend?你上一个周末做过什么? i played football.我踢过足球。

did you play football with zhang peng? 你和张鹏踢过足球吗? yes, i did. 是的,我踢过。

i visited my grandparents. 我看望过祖父母。 i went fishing.我去钓过鱼。

i cleaned my room. 我打扫过房间。

i cleaned my room and played football. 我打扫过房间和踢过足球。

i cleaned my room , played football and watched tv.我打扫过房间、踢过足球和看过电视。

what did you do yesterday? 你昨天做过什么?i listened to music. 我听过**。

what did mike do yesterday? 麦克昨天做过什么? he went swimming. 他去游过泳。

did you read books? 你读过书了吗? yes, i did. 是的,我读过了。

did you clean your room? 你打扫过你的房间吗? no, i didn’t. 不,我没有。


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PEP六年级下册英语总复习 一

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