
发布 2020-08-16 08:08:28 阅读 5413



unit 1

younger 鏇村勾杞荤殑 older 鏇村勾闀跨殑 taller 鏇撮珮鐨?shorter 鏇寸煯鐨?bigger 鏇村ぇ鐨?

smaller 鏇村皬鐨?thinner 鏇寸槮鐨?he**ier 鏇撮噸鐨?

longer 鏇撮暱鐨?stronger 鏇村己澹殑 --how tall are you? -i鈥檓 1.

65 metres. -i am 1.65 metres.


--how he**y are you? -i鈥檓 48 kilograms. -i am 48 kilograms.


--what size are your shoes? -size 7. -浣犵┛澶氬ぇ鍙风殑闉嬶紵 --涓冨彿銆?

your feet are bigger than mine. my shoes are size 37. 浣犵殑鑴氭瘮鎴戠殑澶с?

鎴戠┛37鍙风殑闉嬨?that鈥檚 the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 閭f槸鍘呴噷鏈楂樼殑鎭愰緳銆?

it鈥檚 taller than both of us together. 瀹冩瘮鎴戜袱鍔犺捣鏉ヨ繕楂樸?unit 2x k b 1 .

c o m

clean)cleaned my room 鎵撴壂鎴块棿 (read)read a book 鐪嬩功 (wash)washed my clothes 娲楄。鏈?(see)saw a film 鐪嬬數褰?

(stay)stayed at home 寰呭湪瀹?(h**e)had a cold 鎰熷啋 (watch)watched tv 鐪嬬數瑙?(sleep)slept 鐫¤ last weekend 涓婂懆鏈?

yesterday 鏄ㄥぉ last night 鏄ㄦ櫄 the day before yesterday last monday 涓婂懆涓鍓嶅ぉ

-how was your weekend? -it was good, thank you. -浣犲懆鏈繃寰楁庝箞鏍凤紵 --寰堝ソ锛岃阿璋 ?

-what did you do? -i stayed at home with your grandma. we drank tea in the afternoon and watched tv.

http://w w 1. com --浣犲共浠涔堜簡锛?

--鎴戝拰浣犲ザ濂跺緟鍦ㄥ 閲屻傛垜浠枬浜嗕笅鍗堣尪锛岃繕鐪嬩簡鐢佃銆?--did you do anything else? -yes, i cleaned my room and washed my clothes.

-浣犺繕鍋氫簡鍏朵粬浜嬪悧锛?--鏄殑锛屾垜鎵撴壂鎴块棿锛岃繕娲椾簡琛f湇銆?--what did you do last weekend?

did you see a film? -no, i had a cold. i stayed at home all weekend and slept.

-浣犱笂鍛ㄦ湯骞蹭簡浠涔堬紵浣犵湅鐢靛奖浜嗗悧锛?--娌℃湁锛屾垜鎰熷啋浜嗐傛暣涓懆鏈兘寰呭湪瀹堕噷鐫¤ 銆?i want to buy the new film magazine.

鎴戞兂涔版湡鏂扮殑鐢靛奖鏉傚織銆?unit 3

ride)rode a horse 楠戦┈ (hurt)hurt my foot 浼ゅ埌鑴?(ride)rode a bike 楠戣嚜琛岃溅 (eat)ate fresh food 鍚冩柊椴滈鐗?(go)went camping 鍘婚噹钀?

(take)took pictures 鎷嶇収 (go)went fishing 鍘婚挀楸?(buy)bought gifts 涔扮ぜ鐗?(go)went swimming 鍘绘父娉?

far from 杩滅

-what happened? -i fell off my bike and hurt my foot. -鎬庝箞浜嗭紵 --鎴戜粠鑷杞︿笂鎽斾笅鏉ョ劧鍚庝激鍒拌剼浜嗐?

--are you all right? -i鈥檓 ok now. 浣犺繕濂藉惂锛熸柊璇?


鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ病浜嬩簡銆?--where did you go? -my family and) i went to sanya.

浣犲幓鍝効浜嗭紵鎴戯紙鍜屾垜瀹朵汉锛夊幓涓変簹銆?--did you fo to turpan? -yes, we did.

浣狅紙浠級鍘诲悙椴佺暘浜嗗悧锛?鏄殑锛屽幓浜嗐?--how did you go there?

-we went there y plane. 浣犱滑鎬庝箞鍘荤殑锛?鎴戜滑鍧愰鏈哄幓鐨勩?

it looks like a mule. 瀹冪湅璧锋潵鍍忛瀛愩?sounds great!


unit 4

dining hall 楗巺 cycling 楠戣嚜琛岃溅杩愬姩 grass 鑽夊潽 go cycling 鍘婚獞鑷杞?gym 浣撹偛棣?ice-skate 婊戝啺 ago 浠ュ墠 play badminton 鎵撶窘姣涚悆鈥 ears ago 鈥﹀勾浠ュ墠 last year 鍘诲勾 ..

months ago 鈥︽湀浠ュ墠 last month 涓婁釜鏈?

tell us about your school, please. x k b o m 璇风粰鎴戜滑璁茶鎮ㄧ殑瀛︽牎鍚с?there was no library in my old school.

鎴戜互鍓嶇殑瀛︽牎閲屾病鏈夊浘涔﹂ 銆?there were no computers or internet in my time. 鎴戦偅鏃跺欐病鏈夌數鑴戜篃娌℃湁缃戠粶銆?

before, i was quiet. now, i鈥檓 (i am) very active in class. 浠ュ墠鎴戝緢瀹夐潤銆傜幇鍦ㄦ垜鍦ㄨ 鍫備笂寰堟椿璺冦?

i was short, so i couldn鈥檛 ride my bike well. now, i go cycling everyday. 鎴戜互鍓嶄釜瀛愬皬锛岃嚜琛岃溅楠戝緱涓嶅ソ銆傜幇鍦ㄦ垜澶╁ぉ楠戣溅銆?

--how do you know that? -easy, i looked it up on the internet. -浣犳庝箞鐭ラ亾鐨勶紵 --寰堝鏄擄紝鎴戜笂缃戞煡闃呯殑銆?


unit 1

science 绉戝 turn 杞集 museum 鍗氱墿棣?left 宸?post office 閭眬 right 鍙?

bookstore 涔﹀簵 straight 绗旂洿鍦?cinema 鐢靛奖闄?go straight 鐩磋蛋 hospital 鍖婚櫌 turn left 杞乏 crossing 鍗佸瓧璺彛 turn right 杞彸。

-where is the museum shop? -it鈥檚 near the door. -it鈥檚 next to the bookstore.

-鍗氱墿棣嗙殑鍟嗗簵鍦ㄥ摢鍎匡紵 --鍦ㄥぇ闂ㄩ檮杩戙?--鍦ㄤ功搴楁梺杈广俋|k | b| 1 . c|o |m --how can we get there?

-turn left at the bookstore. -by bus. -鎴戜滑鎬庝箞鍒板摢鍎匡紵 --鍒颁功搴楀乏杞 ?

-涔樺叕鍏辨苯杞︺?the bookstore is on the left.

the bookstore is on the right. 涔﹀簵鍦ㄥ乏杈广?


unit 2

on foot 姝ヨ slow 鎱㈢殑 by bus 涔樺叕鍏辨苯杞?down 鍑忓皯 by plane 涔橀鏈?slow down 鎱笅鏉?

by taxi 涔樿绋嬭溅 stop 鍋滀笅 by ship 涔樿埞 wait 绛夊緟 by subway 涔樺湴閾?go 璧?by train 涔樼伀杞?

鏂皘璇?|鏍噟绗?|涓| 缃?

-how do you come to school? -usually, i come on foot. -浣犳庝箞鏉ュ 鏍$殑锛?

--閫氬父鎴戣蛋璺潵銆?in the usa people on bikes must wear one.(a helmet) -鍦ㄧ編鍥介獞鑷杞︾殑浜哄繀椤绘埓锛堝ご鐩旓級 don鈥檛 go at the red light!

鍒棷绾㈢伅锛?i must pay attention to the traffic lights! 鎴戝繀椤绘敞鎰忎氦閫氫俊鍙风伅锛?

slow down and stop at a yellow light. 榛勭伅瑕佹參涓嬫潵鍜屽仠涓嬫潵銆?stop and wait at a red light.

绾㈢伅瑕佸仠涓嬫潵绛夊緟銆?go at a green light. 缁跨伅琛屻?

unit 3

visit my grandparents 鎺㈡湜鎴戠殑鐖风埛濂跺ザ dictionary 瀛楀吀 see a film 鐪嬬數褰?comic book 杩炵幆鐢诲唽 take a trip 鍘绘梾琛?word book 鍗曡瘝涔?

go to the supermarket 鍘诲晢鍦?postcard 鏄庝俊鐗?this morning 浠婂ぉ鏃╀笂 tomorrow 鏄庡ぉ this afternoon 浠婂ぉ涓嬪崍 next week 涓嬪懆 this evening 浠婂ぉ鏅氫笂 tonight 浠婃櫄。

-what are you going to do tomorrow? -i鈥檓 going to h**e an art lesson. -we鈥檙e going to draw some pictures in renmin park.

-浣犳槑澶╂墦绠楀仛浠涔堬紵 --鎴戣涓婄編鏈銆?--鎴戜滑瑕佸埌浜烘皯鍏洯鍘荤敾鐢汇?--where are you going?

-we鈥檙e going to the cinema. -浣犱滑鎵撶畻鍘诲摢鍎匡紵 --鎴戜滑鎵撶畻鍘荤數褰遍櫌銆?--when are you going?

w w w .x k b 1. c o m --next wednesday.


unit 4

dancing(dance) 璺宠垶 singing(sing) 鍞辨瓕 reading(read) stories 鐪嬫晠浜?playing(play) football 韪㈣冻鐞?doing(do)kung fu 鎵撳姛澶?

cooks(cook) chinese food 鐓腑鍥借彍 studies(study) chinese 瀛﹁ 鏂?does (do)word puzzles 鐚滃瓧璋?goes(go) hiking 鍘昏繙瓒?


说到英语的学习,由于英语是当今的主流语言,越来越多的家长开始重视孩子的英语教育。甚至在孩子很小的时候就开始让孩子参加各种英语补习班,要想学好英语,首先要让孩子培养学习兴趣,兴趣是学习的动力。下面,沪江小编给大家整理了pep小学英语六年级必学的重点句型,大家可以作为学习的参考。unit 1 句子 1 ...

PEP小学英语三 六年级重点句子

三年级上册重点句子。goodbye 再见!b bye see you!再见!your name?你叫什么名字?b my name s chen jie.i m chen jie.我叫陈洁。h e a pencil.我有一支铅笔。b me too.我也有。happy teachers day 祝你教师...


2014年pep7六年级英语上册重点句子。新六上英语重点句子 为四会句子班级姓名学号。u1 1 wuseum shop?博物馆的商店在哪儿?2 it s near the door.在大门附近。3 i want to buy a postcard.我想买一张明信片。4 i wad it today....