
发布 2020-08-11 10:59:28 阅读 4613

牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 3 asking the way period 1

teaching aims:

words: turn left/right, get on/off, a primary school, a middle school,a shopping center, a train station, a history museum, a post patterns:

can you tell me the way to .,please?teaching difficulties:

词组history museum的正确读音和拼写。teaching steps:step 1 preparation

师生进行free talk and greeting,并用学习过的日常交际用语进行对话和应答。

step 2 presentation

t: what did you do last sunday?s: i went to .

t: where is ? can you tell me the way to ?(同时板书这个句子。)s: .

t: i see, thank you so much.. i went to a post office last sunday.

(板书该词) please read after me.

s: (read-spell-read)

t:(出示b部分挂图)nowlookatthepicture,let’slearnthesenewwordsone by one.

教授b部分的单词和词组)step 3 consolidation

1.分组、分排念拼念单词和词组,重点词组a history museum, a postoffice, a primary school, a middle school, a train station, a shoppingcenter可发**车方式进行单个练习,纠正发音。


c部分有两个新的表达方法,在分组操练之前应先进行指出:crossing十字路口,on your left/right在你的左/右边step 4 homework


牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 3 asking the way period 2


teaching aims:

the whole text;

:stops, along, street, city, crossing, away, express:go along thisstreet, andthen turn rightat thethird crossing.

how far is it from here?it’s about a kilometre can take bus many stops are there?

how can i get to the shopping center?difficulties:

问路的几种不同的表达方法和回答的不同表达方法。teaching steps:

step 1 free talk and greeting

师生互致问候并以学过的日常交际用语进行对话。step 2 revision(出示b部分挂图)t: where is it?

s: it’s a post office.

t: (在相应位置板书该词) how about this one?s:



(游戏方法:教师任意给出一个地点,一名学生随意想象到达该地的路线并描述出来,另一名学生则按此描述画出路线图。)step 3 presentationt:

do you like tr**eling?s: yes, we do.

t: we know nanjing is a famous city of the world, so many many peoplefromtheothercountriescomeherenowdays,todayiwantintroducesuch a person, mr. smith, he is from australia, let’s listen to thetape and see what happened to him.

after your listening, you shouldanswer my questions.(听录音一遍)

q1: where does mr smith want to go?

q2: how can mr. smith get to the history museum?

q3: how many stops are there from here to the museum?q4:

where is the bus stop?

q5: what’s the way to get to the post office?(学生回答这些问题)

t: now let learn the text sentence by sentence and check our 4 consolidation1.学生听录音跟读课文;


4.完成课后有填空练习。(keys:thehistorymuseum,takebus,thecinema, second, the city post office, take bus, the history museum)step 5 homework:


牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 3 asking the way period 3



teaching aims:




teaching steps:

step 1 greeting and free talk

师生互致问候并进行日常交际用语对话。step2 revision


3.齐读课文,要求尝试背诵。step 3 part d and f


2,f部分的练习是重点课前教师准备好28页地图上出现的所有地点名称的卡片,然后抽出二张,要求学生按照地图说出从一地点到另一地点的路线,鼓动学生说出多条路线。在学生练习前,教师应先进行示范,在学生练习过程中要及时指出错误的表达方法并加以纠正。step 4 home work编写c部分对话。

牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 3 asking the way period 4




teaching aims:


进一步指导学生的听力题解题能力。teaching steps:

step 1 greeting and free talk师生互致问候并进行日常交际用语对话。step 2 part e





keys:a2,b4,c6,d3,e5,f1,step 3 part g

板书单词blouse, house, mouse, out,教授字母ou的发音/au接下来听录音并跟读,可将此部分中的句子当做来练习,增加趣味性。另外可鼓励学生找出其他例词,如trousers,shout,等。step 4 part h

在欣赏歌曲的基础上尝试演唱歌曲。step 5 listening exercises

在做听力练习前要求学生认真读图和所提供的文字信息,并进一步指导做题技巧,如淘汰法、放弃法等等。keys to e1:a6b4c2d5e1f3

keys to e2:1ci,2bii,3dv,4eiv,5aiiistep 5 homework完成练习册。

牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 3 asking the way period 5-7



test and exercises

复习和巩固6b u3的词语和句型及相关语法(词形变化、句型结构等)一翻译词组1.向左转2.上公共汽车3.沿着街走4.去邮局5.在第二个路口6.在右边。

7.the city library8.in front of9.every ten year10on holiday二情景选话。


a i’m can i help you?c excuse me.()2,你是外地游客,想去玄武湖公园,可以这样问:a ,where is xuanwu lake?

b,how can i get to xuanwu lake?

c,would you like to show me the way to xuanwu lake?()3,别人向你打听去江苏展览馆怎么走,你可以回答:a, you can take a it’s near xuanwu i don’t know.

)4,你告诉别人你弟弟跑得比你快你可以说:a, i run faster than my brother.

b,i can’t run as fast as my brother runs faster than me.三找出发音不同的单词。

)1 a blouseb trousersc youdhouse




balld morning

)4 atheaterbtherecthanksdanything





boysd girls

) 8 a howb yellowc windowdknow四选择填空。

) on/onb in/onc on/in() hong xing park from here?a longb manyc far

) 3., where is the no. 2 hospital?

a excuse meb i’m sorryc thank you() 4. can you tellthe way to the airport?a heb himc his

two.a thiefb thievesc thiefs()



bookmy little sister.

a a/forb an/withc an/for() 7. take a taxi, you’ll get

) 8. i want toto the library. how canithere?

a go/get tob go/getc get/go五连词成句。

and, second,(.

far, from, how, is, school, the (?

you, no. 7, get, bus, to, can, there(.)how, here, stops, there, many, are(?

)post office, i , how, get, can, the (?

would , way, to, you, the ,get, like , me there,to(?)六写作。



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