
发布 2020-08-03 18:45:28 阅读 4154

精明的商家不失时机地打出“自己的饰品自己做”、“diy(do it yourself)饰品、真我个性”的广告,推出“自制饰品”服务,吸引了不少喜欢标新立异、走在潮流前端的年轻女孩,成为上海的时尚消费市场。其市场现状特点具体表现为:


5) 资金问题。



1. www。cer。net/artide/2004021313098897。shtml。



二)创业优势分析阅读理解 (一)

we are learning english, but how can we learn english well?a student can know a lot about english, but maybe he can’t speak english. if you want to know how to swim, you must get into the water. and if you want to be a football player, you must play football.

so you see, you can learn by using it. you must listen to your teacher in class. you must speak english to your classmates every day. and also you must write something in english. then one day you will find your english very good.

】 1.you know a lot about english, but maybe __it.

a、you can speak b、you can study

c、you can’t speak d、you can’t learn

】 2.you must get into the water __

a、to learn how to swim b、to skate

c、to play d、to play football

】 3.if you want to be a football player, you should __

a、buy a football b、play football

c、read some books d、get into the water

】 4.if you want to study english well, you must often __

a、listen to your teacher in class b、speak english to your classmates

c、a and d.play games

】 5.the article(文章) tells us __

a、how to learn english well b、how to swim

c、how to play football d、how to read english

二)tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. one day he went to the cinema. it was the first time for him to do that. he bought a ticket and then went in. but after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. after a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. two or three minutes later he came out and ask for another ticket. then the girl in the ticket office asked him, “why do you buy so many tickets? how many friends do you meet?” tom answered, “no, i h**e no friend here. but a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my ticket into pieces.”

】 1.tom is __years old.

a、seven b、six c、nine d、eleven

】 2.it was __for tom to go to the cinema alone.

a、the second time b、the third time

c、the first time d、the last time

】 3.tom bought __before the girl asked him.

a、one ticket b、two tickets

c、three tickets d、five tickets

】 4.tom met __that day.

a、three friends b、his parents

c、many classmates d、no friend of his

】 5.the big boy was __in the cinema.

a、a doctor b、a teacher

c、a worker d、a policeman

三)mr.white has a daughter and a son. they live in the countryside. it’s near a mountain. they are very poor. they got little money. they bought some seeds(种子). they planted rice, carrots and beans(豆) in the ground. they worked very hard, but they were very happy.

one day, some big birds came. they ate the rice, the beans and the carrots. mr.white was very angry. he got the birds out of his ground, then he put some scarecrows(稻草人) on the ground. there are no birds in mr.white’s ground now.

in autumn, mr.white has got a lot of beans, carrots and rice. the whites are happy again. they are not poor now.

】 1.mr.white has __children.

a、one b、two c、three d、four

】 2.they got __money at first.

a、little b、a little c、a lot of d、few

】3.they __seeds with their money.

a、bought b、sold c、planted d、borrowed

】 4.mr.white put some __on the ground.

a、birds b、cats c、scarecrows d、dogs

】 5.mr.white got his rice and vegetables in __

b、spring c、autumn d、winter

四 )do you know what is the white house? perhaps some of you do, while others don’t.

the white house is a house in washington dc. the president of the usa works in it. it is really white. but do you know why the white house is white?

the story happened in 1812. that year england was at war with america, the british army got to washington and set the president’s house on fire.

in 1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the stone walls of the president’s house were painted white and it has been the “white house” ever since.

】 1.the white house is __

a、a house for the president of the usa

b、a house for american people

c、a house for american soldiers

d、one of the american museums

】 2.in __american people painted the president’s house white.

a、1810 b、1812 c、1814 d、1816

】 3.the house is called “white house” because __

a、the house is very clean

b、the stone walls of the house are white

c、the american people like white color

d、it is covered with snow

】 4.in the passage “set...on fire” means __in chinese.

a、放火烧 b、解雇 c、** d、把...放火上。

】 5.the chinese for the “white house” is __

a、白房 b、白殿 c、怀特豪斯 d、白宫。五)

九年级英语完形填空 阅读理解解题方法

首先是词汇量。汇是英语考试中的关键,不仅有直接测试词汇的试题,而且掌握词汇量的大小直接影响到其他题目的解题。词汇的 自然是书本后面的词汇表。但要在最短的时间内攻下这2000左右个单词就需要技巧。我一般记词汇时,碰到已掌握的词汇就迅速过去,遇到生疏的词汇,做上记号,然后第二遍回过头来,就集中精力专攻那...


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