
发布 2020-08-03 11:05:28 阅读 6005

unit 1 how can i get there

重点短语。want to do sth 想要干某事 next to 附近, 挨着。

on … street 在……街上 turn left/right 向左转,向右转。

go straight 直走go acrossing 穿过。

in front of 在……前面 help sb do sth 帮某人干某事。

follow me 跟着我(走/读)

重点句型。1. how can i/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they/ get ……我/他/她/我们/你/他们该怎么去……

2. where is / are the在**?

3. it’s near the ……它在……附近。

4. what a great museum!多帮的博物馆啊。

感叹句:构成:what a/ an +形容词+单数名词!

如:what a beautiful girl.

5. turn left at the bookstore. 在书店那左转。

unit 2 ways to go to school

重点短语。come to school 来学校 on foot 步行。

by bus 乘公共汽车by bike 骑自行车。

by car 乘小汽车by taxi 乘出租车。

by plane 坐飞机by ship 乘轮船。

by subway 坐地铁by train 坐火车。

pay attention to 注意 traffic lights 交通信号灯。

look right/ left 向右/左看 cross the road 过马路。

slow down 减速 at a red/ green/ yellow light 红/绿/黄灯的时候。

usually 通常 often 经常sometimes 有时。

重点句型。1. how do you go/come to ……你怎么去/来……?

2. i come/ go on foot/ by…… 我步行/乘……来/去……

3. how does he/ she go to ……他/她怎么去……?

4. he/ she goes ……on foot/ by…… 他/她步行/乘……去……

5. how can i/ you/ he/ she/ we get there? 我/你/他/她/我们怎么去哪?

6. must后接动词原形,不分人称。i must, you must, he must, she must,此类句子将must提到句首变一般疑问句,must not=mustn’t表示禁止。

unit 3 my weekend plan

重点短语:go swimming 去游泳 h**e an art lesson 上美术课。

draw some pictures 画画 see a film 看电影。

h**e a good time 玩的愉快 h**e to do sth必须做某事。

go ice-skating 去滑冰 wash clothes 洗衣服。

make a snowman 堆雪人 go for a picnic 去野餐。

take a trip 旅行go to the supermarket 去超市。

lots of 许多的half price 半价。

get together 聚在一起 h**e a big dinner 吃大餐。


结构:主语+be动词+going to do sth be动词随主语人称变化而变化。如:

i am going to draw some pictures.

he is going to draw some pictures.

they are going to draw some pictures.

重点句型:they are going to ……

he/ she is going to ……

what are ….going to do?

what is ……going to do?


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