
发布 2020-07-31 20:48:28 阅读 8986









3.使一家果汁商店脏4. 步行到校。

5.把垃圾放进垃圾桶6. 喜欢吃芒果。

7.扔一个香蕉皮8. 两只小鸟。

9.喜欢住在这个城市10. 擦桌椅。


1.--look! the river is very dirtyyes. there are many d fish in it.

tao doesn’t like l in the city.

ling s the floor at weekends.

wyellow today? suyang and nancy.

sand w . helen and tim are f a kite in the park.

tao was ill and he went to h last night.

makes the playground messy.

many years ago, george l in a small house in a small town. there w not many cars in the streets. he didn’t h a tv or radio.

he c only read news*****s for news. he didn’t h**e a telephone e .

now george has a big house with a garden. he can t the metro to the city centre. he has a

car. he reads and w news on the internet. he also has a mobile phone and he can c his

family and friends anytime.


( )fish in the lake very lovely.

)2. what can i do you

make;happy make;happily

)3. you can train to shanghai.

a a )4. pick the banana skinand throw it the bin.

)5the room tidy and clean, you should the bed every day.

a. keep; make b. to keep; make c. keep; to make d. to keep; to make

)6. there any rubbish on the ground.

)7. please help me my homework.


)8. smoke from cars the air dirty.

make 五.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. -do you likedraw) ?

---yes. and idraw) a very nice picture last week.

2. hard workmakethey) tired.

3. youridea) are great.

4. what can we dokeep) our city clean?

5. the streets become verymess).

6. therebe) some rubbish on the road just now.


means you can’t fish here.(改写同义句)

it means

can go to school by metro.(改为同义句)

we canto school.

from cars makes the city dirty.(对划线部分提问)

the city dirty?

in the book.(改为否定句)

in the book.

should do that.(改为否定句)。

youdo that.



youthe rubbish the bin.


smoke cars the air .


trees help the air .


we canto school.

5.什么使我们的学校又脏又乱 ?

makes our school and


you some juice ? yes


we cansome factoriesour city.

三. pictures of our city idea(s) a juice shop dirty to school

go to school on foot) the rubbish in the bin eating bananas a banana skin

8. two little birds 9. like living in this city the desks and chairs

四. windy flying


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