
发布 2020-07-31 20:49:28 阅读 8144






3.和……生活在一起 4.向……里看5. 度假6.坐在桌边。






a birthday gift for ken

18.一个个;依次 19.留下礼物 for new shoes

21.听** my weight

mocky to the town center



are (four ) seasons in a year .

are ( twelve ) months in a year .

we didn’t ( go ) to school .

didn’t ( want ) the blue t-shirt .

( be ) no trees on mars .

are you doing ? i’m (play ) football .


) back b. astronaut c. vacation d. badly

)2. a. fast b. planet c. last d. star

) b. calendar c. space d. decide

) b. clean c. keep d. he**y

) b. winter c. prize d. kilogram

) b. sit c. first d. season

) b. nut c. run d. jump

)8. a. photo b. sock c. got d. lock

)9. a. hit b. six c. kite d. fish

)10. a. elephant b. then c. seventh d. see

七、根据英语课本jack and the beanstalk 短文,选择正确答案。

) watched

a. the door b. the giant c. the harp

) chicken .

a. listened to the music b. played the harp

c. went to sleep

) 3. the chicken laid .

a. thirteen eggs b. thirty eggs c. three eggs

) eggs were .

a. blue b. gold c. orange

) ran to the beanstalk . he took .

a. the chicken b. the giant c. the eggs

) giant .

a. coughed b. ate lunch c. woke up

) giant ran to the .

a. table b. beanstalk c. chicken

) climbed down the .

a. beanstalk b. house c. bedroom

) jumped to the .

a. sky b. clouds c. ground

) mother cut down .

a. the giant b. the beanstalk c. a tree

) beanstalk and the giant fell .

a. to the stars b. to the sun c. to the ground

) g**e his mother .

a. the giant b. the chicken c. the beanstalk

) chicken laid .

a. gold eggs b. gold balls c. gold nuts

) mother was .

a. hungry b. sad c. happy

) mother .

a. danced b. jumped c. sang


a )1. where were you two days ago ?

)2. did he go to school last night ?

)3. what did peter do yesterday ?

) was third ?

)5. when is her birthday ?.

) old is he ?

) is taller , john or mary ?

) tall is ken ?

) much do i weigh ?

) is the tallest in your family ?

ba. i weigh 33 kilograms.

b. he visited a friend .

c. ken was third .

d. dad is the tallest .

e. he is 147 centimeters tall .

f. she is eight years old .

g. john is taller than mary .

h. i was at home .

i. no, he didn’t .

j. it’s september third .


星期week 星期一 monday 星期二 tuesday 星期三wednesday 星期四thursday 星期五 friday 星期六 saturday 星期日 sunday 天气weather 有风的 windy 晴朗的 fine 多云的cloudy 雨 rain 雪 snow 阳光充足的 s...


六年级复习2 classname 过去式 dowaterpullh e has go dancecookwatch playam isaresee stopgettaste 基数词序数词。1 one第一。2 two第二。3 three第三。4 four第四。5 five第五。6 six第六。7 se...


1 小明坐在教室的第4列第3行,用 4,3 表示,小星坐在第2列第5行,用 来表示,用 6,1 表示的同学坐在第 列第 行 个是 的是9。3 0.5 1。4 在 里填上 或 0.115 12.5 0.02 0.2 28 八折对折 5 1 0 5 比30千克多是 比36米少米是 6 把一根米长的绳子平...