
发布 2020-07-29 20:17:28 阅读 2825


三年级上册 lesson 1问候用语:-good morning!早上好-good morning!

单词cake蛋糕,bag书包, pencil铅笔, boy(s)男孩子(们), girl(s)女孩子(们), miss小姐(未婚), and和, good好的, morning早上。

lesson 2 单词dog狗,sheep绵羊,fish鱼,giraffe长颈鹿。 重点:-what’s your name?

你叫什么名字?-my name is…我的名字是…,-goodbye!再见

lesson 3 how are you?你好吗单词hand手,bike自行车,jeep吉普车,key钥匙。对话。

-how are you?你好吗?-i’m fine,thank you,and you?

我很好,谢谢你,你呢?-i’m fine,too我也很好。

lesson 4 nice to meet you见到你很高兴!.单词leg腿 mouth嘴 nose 鼻子 toe 脚趾头介绍用语-this is…这是(人名字). nice to meet you.

你到你很高兴- nice to meet you, too见到你也很高兴。

lesson 5 how old are you?单词pen钢笔, quilt被子, ruler尺子, school. 问答年龄句型:

—how old are you? (你几岁了?)—i'm nine/eight.

(我九/八岁了) lesson 6 thank you!

单词: t--shirt体恤衫,pupil小学生,vest 背心, watch 手表句子:thanks a lot.

=thank you very much. that's a11 right不客气、没关系。

lesson 7 what class are you in?你在几班? 单词class,in,afternoon,one,two,three。

询问班级的对话what class are you in?( 你在几班?) i'm in class one/two/three。

(我在1班/2班/3班)句子:what grade(年级) are you in? (你在哪个年级?

)i'm in grade...我在。年级) i'm in class...

grade...我在。年级 ..

班)lesson 8 what’s this? 单词book, desk, chair椅子, blackboard黑板 panda, hippo, elephant, monkey 句型what's this?(这是什么?

) it's a book/ a panda.(它是一本书/只熊猫)

lesson 9 what are you h**e?你有什么? 单词:

football足球, magic cube魔方,doll洋娃娃,jump rope跳绳.yo-yo悠悠球, skateboard滑板.jigsaw拼图句子:ls this your...这是你的。

yes,it is.(是的,它是。)/no,it isn't.(不,它不是)句型:—what do you h**e?

(你有什么?)—i h**e a football/magic cube/doll /yo-yo.(我有一个足球/魔方/悠悠球)—it's nice.—let's play together(咱们一起玩吧).—do you want a go?(want a go 试一试)—sure.i h**e...and...

lesson 10 how many apples do you h**e?(how many用来询问数量,“多少”) 单词:pear 梨, apple,banana, peach桃子(复数peaches), strawberry草莓(strawberries) 句子:

what are these? they are...how many pears do you h**e?

—i h**e three pears.—may i h**e one ?—what about you?

lesson 11 what are these?这些是什么?单词:

orange橘子,pineapple 菠萝,egg鸡蛋,cow奶牛,母牛 bird鸟,frog青蛙,these这些,those那些,they 他们,她们,它们。句型: what are these?

what are those? they're frogs.are those eggs and oranges? yes,they are.

lesson 12 happy new year! 单词:happy 高兴的 new新的 new year 新年merry 快乐的,高兴的 christmas 圣诞节 father christmas 圣诞老人 a christmas tree 一棵圣诞树句型:

happy new year! merry christmas! 圣诞节快乐!

三年级下册 lesson 1 let’s go to school. 单词、短语及句子:school/ go to school/ let’s go to school.

; home/ go home/ let’s go home.对话:let’s go to let’s go.

(all right.)school is over. let’s go home.

-all right.

lesson 2 that is our classroom. 单词:library, classroom, swimming pool, playground.

our, how, nice, wow, great, do, like, swimming. 句型:that is our…-wow!

how nice! -is that our library? -yes, it is.

-do you like swimming? -yes, i do. that’s great.

how great!

lesson 3 they are my friends. 单词:picture,nice, classmates同学, schoolmates校友, deskmates同桌 , friends, they, who谁。

may, look, sure. 感叹句:what a nice picture!

和表示请求的句子:-may i h**e a look? (h**e a look 看一看) -sure!

here you are. 句型:-who are they?

-they are…who’s this/that?-this/that is …

lesson 4 how do you come to school?你是怎样来学校的?单词:

bike, bus, foot, car, taxi. come, about词组:by bike, by bus, by car, by taxi, on foot.

句型: i go to …by/on…let’s go to…by/on…并能初步掌握on和by的区别用法。how do you come to school?

do you come to school by bus? no, i come to school by taxi. how about you?

lesson 5 are you helen?问答句:are you …?

yes, i am./no, i’m not. 单词:

excuse me, sorry., jack,helen, alice, robin, 句型:i’m …is this your…?

may i come in? please come in.

lesson 6 this is my teacher. 单词:teacher, father, mother,fat胖的, thin瘦的, tall高的, short矮的,短的。

句子:who’s this? this is my teacher.

he is thin and tall. glad to see you!很高兴见到你!

lesson 7 do you like english? 单词:english, chinese, maths数学, music**。

art美术, 体育, very much, me. 句型:-what book is this?

-it’s an english book/ a maths book.-do you like english? -yes, and i like chinese, too.

-how do you like it?你有多喜欢它? -i like it very much.

lesson 8 whose谁的 jacket is it? 单词:jacket夹克衫, cap帽子, skirt短裙, sweater毛衣, trousers裤子, shoes鞋, socks袜子。

句型:-whose jacket is this? -is that your sweater?

-no, it’s li dong’s. -whose socks are these? -are they your socks?

-no, they are robin’s socks. 注:li dong’s 李东的。


lesson 9 where(哪儿,**) is my cat? 单词:cat猫, umbrella雨伞, box盒子,箱子, rabbit兔子, bed 床, on在。

上面, under在。下面, in在。里面句型:

-what’s this?-it’s a box.-is that a rabbit?

-yes, it is. -what do you h**e? -i h**e an umbrella.

-where is my cat? -it’s under the bed.-whose umbrella is under the desk?

-sorry, i don’t know.

lesson 10 what do you like? 单词:eggplant茄子, onion洋葱, mushroom蘑菇, tomato西红柿,复数tomatoes, cucumber黄瓜, potato土豆,复数potatoes, carrot胡萝卜, cauliflower菜花, 句型:

i like… do you like…too?what do you like? i like…


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