
发布 2020-07-29 17:02:28 阅读 1356

牛津小学英语 6a1-4复习提纲。


unit 1 public signs

单词:cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹, question问题, public公共的, sign标志, mean意思是,

danger危险, must必须, away(离)开, grass草, off脱离,(离)开, cage笼子, litter乱丢。

quiet安静, noise噪声, know知道, conversation对话, complete完全的, smoke吸烟,

cycle骑自行车, back回, suddenly突然地, note钞票,纸币, match比赛, around在周围,四面, nearby附近的, keeper看守人, point指出, fine罚款, rubbish废物, bin箱子。

词组:1. 禁止停车no parking 2.禁止吸烟 no smoking 3. 禁止吃喝 no eating or drinking

4.禁止践踏keep off the grass 5.禁止乱丢杂物 no littering 6. 禁止触摸do not touch

7.安静keep /be quiet 8. 朝他走去come up to him 9. 罚款5元fine ¥5

10. 在鸟笼上on the birds’ cage 11. 指向point to 24. 进去 go in

12. 只有四岁only four years old 13. 有许多问题 h**e a lot of questions

14. 问问题ask questions 15. 公共标志public signs 16. 禁止骑车no cycling

17. 在危险中in danger 18. 制造噪音make noise 19. 散步 take a walk

20. 走向纸币walk to the note 21. 一个公园看守员 a park keeper

22. 环顾 look around23. 在草地上走 walk on the grass

25. 建筑物上的标志 the sign on the building26. 远离 stay away from

句型:1. 这个标牌是什么意思? what does this sign mean?

它意指“危险”。 it means “danger”.

2.那个标牌什么意思? what does that sign mean?

它意指你不应该在草地上走。 it means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.

3.它是什么意思? what does it mean?

它意指你应该远离建筑物。it means you should stay away from the building.

4.我现在可以看电视了吗? can i watch tv now?


no, you can’t. you should do your homework first.


jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions.


he is asking ben some questions about public signs.

7.我可以进去吗? can i go in?


no, you can’t. you should stay away from the building.


1.动词如果在no后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:no swimming;

如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:do not touch.

would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别。

must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.

should(shouldn’t)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。

unit 2ben’s birthday

词组:1.本的生日ben’s birthday2.一起回家go home together

3.十月16号 the sixteenth of october 4.拜访某人visit somebody( sb.)

5.谈论某事talk about something (sth.) 6.和某人谈话talk to/with somebody(sb.)

7.日本**片japanese cartoons8.作为一个生日礼物as a birthday present

9.举行生日聚会h**e a birthday party 10.祝你生日快乐happy birthday to you !

11.等会儿看wait and see12.脱掉你的鞋take off your shoes

13.吹灭蜡烛blow out the candles 14.在本的生日聚会上 at ben’s birthday party

15.通过** on the phone16. 一个大生日蛋糕 a big birthday cake

17. 做张生日贺卡make a birthday card 18. 一张纸a piece of *****

19.在海湾 in the bay20.中国的新年,春节 chinese new year

21.在日历上 on the calendar22. 马上到 come soon

23.一张纸 a piece of *****24. 写信息write a message

25. 一大早early in the morning

句型:1)今天几号what date is it today? =what’s the date today?

今天是九月二十三号。 it’s the twenty-third of september.

2)你何时过生日? when’s your birthday

我的生日是十月十八号。 my birthday’s on the eighteenth of october.

when’s new year’s day /teachers’ day / national day?

it’s on the first of january / the tenth of september / the first of october.

3)你想要什么东西作为生日礼物? what would you like as a birthday present?

我想要一个日本**片的光盘。 i’d like a vcd of japanese cartoons.

5)你们经常举行生日聚会吗do you often h**e a birthday party? yes, i do.

6)本正和他的家人讨论关于他的生日聚会的事。ben is talking to his family about his birthday party.

8)本吹灭了蜡烛上的蛋糕。 ben blows out the candles on the cake.

9)阿拉丁正脱掉他的戏服。 aladdin is taking off his costume.


1)i’d like=i would like 我想要某物 ==i want…

i’d like to = i would like to 我想要做某事 ==i want to …

would like 想要的意思。可用于表示邀请,后面如果加动词用would like to +动词原形。

1 i’d like some balloons. →would you like some balloons? yes, please. /no, thanks.

i want some balloons . do you want some balloons ? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

2 i’d like to watch tv .→would you like to watch tv? yes, i’d like to.

/no, i’d not like to.

i want to watch tv . do you want to watch tv? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.


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