
发布 2020-07-29 16:39:28 阅读 3266








22棒球23队、组24 宇宙飞船。


1.进行野餐 h**e a picnic 2.12点半 half past twelve 3.

沿着湖边散步walk around the lake 4.在这张**上in this phone 5.往窗外看

look out of the widow 6生日贺卡 a birthday card

7小心 be careful 8飞走 fly away9 捡起来pick up

10 进来 come in 12吹小号 play the trumpet 13 开始下雨start to lrain 14 这本关于美国的书 this book about america15一个棒球队 a baseball team16 把它给你give it to you 17.和她的朋友说话。

talk to her friend 18大声地唱 sing very loudly 19走向黑板 walk to the blackboard. 20.上山 go up a hill 21.

戴着一定大帽子 wear a big hat

22.发送一些** send some photos


1trumpet (复数) trumpets (反义词) 复数)those


形容词) loud7noise(形容词)完全形式)let’s



12take --took


选择正确的答语,并将标号写在( )中。

( )can help mea it’s twelve.

) it really a dogb no, i don’t.

) you arec sorry, mum.

) go under that tree. d yes, it is.

) time is ite yes,it is.

) i h**e this cap? f no, it isn’t.

) your grandmag that’s okay.

)8do you talk about the photos? h i can help you.

) it going to rain soon? i i can help you.

) you flying in the sky? j thank you.


are the picnic eating ducks (连词成句)

chinese spaceship took a man into space.(翻译成中文)

rode bicycles yesterday.(变成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答0

can carry this bag. .变成否定句)

going to eat at half past twelve.(对划线部分提问)

about animals.(对划线部分提问)

are w**ing (say) goodbye.

a great birthday!

are looking at sone ducks.(对划线部分提问)

this, daming? it’s playing baseball.

starting to crossa car is coming.

12a mess!

going to h**e a party. (变一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

are sleeping under the tree.(对划线部分提问)

going tosunny)on thursday.

going torain) on sunday.

翻译句子。1. 我想要一个热狗,请给我来一个。i want a hot dog, please.

2. 你想要吃什么?what do you want to eat?

3. 我们要进行野餐。we’re going to h**e a picnic.

4. 哈尔滨要下雪。it’s going to snow in harbin.

5. 太阳正在照耀着。the sun is shining.

6. 我正在向窗外看。i’m looking out of the window.

7. 我正在做大明的生日看片。i’m ****** daming’s birthday card.

8. 苹果顺着楼梯掉下来。the apples are falling down the stairs.

9. 大明正在举行生日聚会。daming is h**ing a birthday party.

10. 他正在骑自行车,但是天开始下雨。he’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.

11. 我给你买了这本书。(过去时)i bought you this book.

12. 它是关于什么的?what’s it about?

13. daming is playing the trumpet , but the phone is ringing.大明正在吹小号,但是门铃响了。

14. i can’t carry them all.我不能拿动所有的东西。

had a very funny day on saturday.星期六我度过了非常快乐的一天。

16the birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿们正在树上唱歌。

17.我们什么时候要去公园?我们要在七点钟去。when are you going to the park?

we are going to the park at seven o’clock.

18.这些鸭子很吵。these ducks are very noisy.

19.你想喝什么?请给我来一罐可乐。what do you want to eat? i want a cola , please.

20它多少钱?它13.25美元。how much is it ?it’s thirteen dollars and twenty—five cents.


第八册重点。1.what do you want 你想要什么?i want a hot dog,please.我想要一只热狗。2.what do you want to eat?你想吃什么?i want some chicken and rice.我要一些鸡肉和米饭。3.what do you wa...


2013 2014学年六年级英语复习提纲。1.26个字母 5个元音字母 的书写。2.日常礼貌用语 问候 告别 致谢 道歉 祝愿 3.主要节日。4.日常生活用语。1 询问与回答日常生活话题 自我介绍 年龄 身高 体重 颜色 季节与天气 时间 时 日期 星期 数量 爱好 职业 理想 出行方式等。2 简单...


四种时态。五种句子。1.陈述句 叙述某个事实的句子,包括肯定句和否定句。例 i like cats.i h en t got a car.2.一般疑问句 对某个事实表示疑问的问句,通常由陈述句将be h e has can will或者辅助动词do does did提到主语的前面变成。用yes 或n...