
发布 2020-07-29 16:33:28 阅读 5809


五种句子。1. 陈述句:叙述某个事实的句子,包括肯定句和否定句。例:i like cats. i h**en’t got a car.

2. 一般疑问句:对某个事实表示疑问的问句,通常由陈述句将be/h**e/has/can/will或者辅助动词do/does/did提到主语的前面变成。

用yes 或no来回答。例:she is a teacher.

-is she a teacher? i went to beijing.--did you go to beijing?

3. 特殊疑问句:对某个具体内容进行询问,结构通常为:

疑问词或疑问词组(what/when/where/who/how) +一般疑问句。不能用yes或no回答。例:

what is it? how are you? where are you going?

4. 祈使句:直接向对方发出请求或命令的句子。主语通常省略,直接以动词开头。如:open the door. turn left.

5. 感叹句:对某个事实进行感叹,通常有what 或how 来引导。例:what a tall building! how funny!



1)直接加s 如:dog-dogs 2) 以s,x,sh,ch 结尾的单词,加es 如:buses,boxes, 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,变y为i再加es如:

city-cities, country-countries 4)以f 或fe 结尾的单词,将f,fe变为ves.如:knife-knives, wolf-wolves 5)不规则的名词如:

man-men ,sheep-sheep,people-people



有些动词加er 可变成名词,如:work-worker



形容词应用形式是比较级,变化规则是:1) 一般加er 如:taller 2) 以不发音e结尾的,直接加r,如:nice-nicer

3)双写末尾辅音字母再加er 如:fatter, bigger, thinner

4) 以辅音字母加y 结尾,y变i 再加er,如:easy-easier

5)不规则 good-better, bad-worse 6) 其他。

4. 副词:描述动作或程度怎样的单词。

如: run fast(跑得快) laugh happily(高兴地笑),通常用在所描述单词的后面。也有比较级,变化和形容词相同。

5.代词: 代替人或事物的单词。


i-me, you-you, he-him, she-her, it-it, we-us, they- them 。

物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。my—mine your—yours his—his her—hers its—its our—ours their—theirs

区别:形容词性物主代词不能独立使用,后面必须跟名词。 例:this is my bag.

名词性物主代词则只能单独使用,后面不能跟名词。例:this bag is mine.

5. 介词:on, in, under, for, to, with, by, of, at, about,from等等。

6. 冠词: a, an, the

7. 连词: and, but, or

8. 数词: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve

twenty/thirty/forty/fifty/sixty/seventy, eighty/ninety, hundred(100)

基础知识:颜色 (colour):red yellow blue green black orange pink purple

数字 (number): 1—12 13—19 20—90 100

学习用品(school things): bag, book, pen, pencil, desk, chair, blackboard

天气(weather): sunny cloudy hot cold cool warm snow rain windy

食物(food): rice meat noodles milk soup hamburger sandwich …

星期(weekdays): monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday

身体部位(body): head, nose, mouth, eye, mouth, ear, arm, leg, foot

月份(months): january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august,

september, october, november, december

动物(animal): tiger lion monkey panda dog cat elephant snake bear

职业: doctor, farmer, nurse, teacher, worker, policeman, pilot, driver

家庭成员(family): mother, brother, father, sister, grandma, grandpa, son

动词词组: writer a letter, take a photo, play the flute, make a cake, fly a kite……

句型:五册六册1. when did you come back?

we came back last sunday. 2. did you/lingling …?

yes, i /she did. /no, i/she didn’t. dropped my ice cream.

did you go? i went to the park. did you see?

i saw lots of places did you meet in london?i met the queen. did you buy in london?

i bought an ice cream. much… do you want/need? many… do you want?

you like…? yes, i do./no, i don’t.

buy one kilo of noodles. did you do at the weekend?

13. what’s the matter? 14. i’m sorry. that’s okay(ok).

15. whose bag is this? 16.

is this jimmy’s sweater? he/she can …well. play football badly.

19. i can’t do it at all. you…?

21. can we h**e a dog ,please, mum? 22.

would you like to come to school with us? 23. what time does school start?

my school starts at nine o’clock. 24. do you do exercise every morning?

no, we don’t. we play in the playground before nine o’clock. do you do at 3 o’clock?

26. are you feeling… ?yes, i am. no, i’m not.

27. do you feel…? yes, i do.

no, i don’t. do you feel? i feel… should look, then cross the road.

shouldn’t walk in the road. 31. there is… there are… there was… there were… 32.

did she learn english?33. what did she h**e four breakfast?

34. where can you find out about animals? 35.

it’s too big for you. 36. where did you go?

did you go with? 38. what did you do there?

39. why don’t you…? what about…?

how about…? that’s a good idea. 40.

where are you going to go? what are you going to do?


第八册重点。1.what do you want 你想要什么?i want a hot dog,please.我想要一只热狗。2.what do you want to eat?你想吃什么?i want some chicken and rice.我要一些鸡肉和米饭。3.what do you wa...


2013 2014学年六年级英语复习提纲。1.26个字母 5个元音字母 的书写。2.日常礼貌用语 问候 告别 致谢 道歉 祝愿 3.主要节日。4.日常生活用语。1 询问与回答日常生活话题 自我介绍 年龄 身高 体重 颜色 季节与天气 时间 时 日期 星期 数量 爱好 职业 理想 出行方式等。2 简单...


be am is are 过去式 am is was are were 特殊疑问词还有很多 where how which what time how long how much how many 需要同学们在学习中发现和积累。四种时态。一 一般现在时通常在句中含有usually often som...