
发布 2020-07-25 06:06:28 阅读 2487


1. what do you want ? 你想要什么? i want a hot dog, please.我想要一只热狗。

2. what do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?i want some chicken and rice.我要一些鸡肉和米饭。

3. what do you want to drink?你想喝什么?i want a cola, please.我要一杯可乐。

4. how much is it? 多少钱? it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.十三美元二十五美分。

5. when are we going to eat? 我们打算什么时候吃?

we’re going to eat at half past twelve.我们打算在十二点半吃。

6. what are we going to do?我们打算做什么?

we’re going to walk around the lake.我们打算绕着湖边散步。

going to snow/rain in harbin.哈尔滨将要下雪/下雨。

it’s going to be hot on thursday.星期四将会很热。

8. the sun is shining. the birds are singing in the trees.阳光灿烂。鸟儿在树上歌唱。

ducks are eating our picnic!鸭子正在吃我们的野餐!

in this photo, it is raining and we are under a tree.在这张**里,天在下雨,我们在树下躲雨。

i am looking out of the window.我正在看窗外。

10. where’s your mum? 你妈妈在**? she’s at the supermarket.她在超市。

11. who can help me? 谁能帮我?sorry, i can’t.对不起,我不能。 /i can help you.我可以帮你。

12. can he help? 他能帮忙吗? yes, he can.是的,他能。

he will pick up the apples.他将会把苹果拾起来。

13. she’s buying things for your birthday.他在为你的生日买东西。

14. i’m ****** daming’s birthday card.我在制作大明的生日贺卡。

15. the apples are falling down the stairs.苹果正掉下楼梯。

16. daming is h**ing a birthday party.大明正在举行生日派对。

17. daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.大明正在吹小号,但是**响了。

18 .he’s starting to cross, but a car is coming.他正准备过马路,但是一辆小汽车来了。

she’s eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.她正在吃晚饭,但是**响了。

19. i bought you a book. i bought a book for you.我给你买了一本书。

who g**e it to you?谁把它给你的? zhang wei g**e it to me.张伟给我的。

american spaceship took a man into space.美国宇宙飞船把人带入了太空。

sent a man into space in this spaceship.中国用这艘宇宙飞船把人载入了太空。

22. in october2003, shenzhouv flew into space with yang liwei.2024年10月,神舟五号载着杨利伟飞上了太空。

liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.杨利伟在太空遨游了大约21小时。

made a video and now he is very famous.他制作了**,现在,他非常出名。

you go to a zoo? 你去过动物园吗? yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.

26. she couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear.她看不见也听不见。

27. what was his name? when was he born?

where was he born? what happened to him?

what did he learn to do? why is he famous?

28. what’s the matter? 怎么了?why are you laughing?你为什么要笑?

29. why are you wearing a raincoat?你为什么穿着雨衣。 because it’s going to rain.因为天要下雨了。

30. are you going to go to middle school this september?今年九月你要上中学吗?

31. where are you going to go this summer?今年夏天你要去哪儿?

32. what are you going to do?你要做什么?

easy to make mistakes with english .

lived to be 87.


can i help you? (店员)我能帮助你吗?

here you are .给你。

how much is it 多少钱?回答it’s 数字dollar(s)and数字cent(s). 几美元几美分。

enjoy your meal! 享受你的大餐吧!

what do you want ?你想要些什么。

be going to句型中,be 动词的相应变化am is are

h**e a picnic 去野餐,吃野餐。

what time is it?几点了?整点: 数字( o’clock) 半点:half past + 数字 at + 点钟在几点钟。

walk around the lake 绕湖而行 go to the park 去公园 go to bed 去睡觉 play chess 下象棋 look at 看。

let’s go under the tree. 让我们去树下面。

it’s going to rain/snow/ be windy/be sunny/be hot将要下雨/下雪/刮风/晴朗/炎热。

将来时:be going to = will+动词原形计划和将要发生事。

on saturday 在星期六lots of = a lot of 许多

take photos 照相 go home 回家

在树上in the tree (外来物)on the tree(长在上面的)

主语 + be + 动词ing 现在进行时 i’m watching tv. a funny day 有趣的一天 make a snowman 堆雪人

in the sky 在空中 at / in the supermarket 在超市

fall down 跌落 fly away 飞走。

a birthday party 生日派对 make a birthday card 做生日贺卡。

be careful 小心 pick up the apples 捡起苹果 get on 上车。

get off 下车 walk to the blackboard 走向黑板。


主语+can/ can’t +动词原形+其它i can/ can’t carry this bag.我能/不能拿这个包。

can+主语+动词原形+其它? can you help me ?你能帮我吗?

肯定回答:yes ,i can .否定回答:sorry, i can’t.


play the trumpet 吹小号eat dinner 吃晚餐。

start to cross 正过马路talk to friend 和朋友聊天。

thank you!谢谢你you’re welcome! 不客气。

send 某人 into 某地把某人送到某地。

a model of 一个的模范 the name of 的名字。

i bought a book for you. 我买了一本书给你。

who g**e it to you? 谁给你的?

china sent a man into space. 中国送了一个人进太空。

fly (flew) into 飞进里 in space 在太空

be proud of 以而骄傲

love / like +动词ing 喜欢做某事。

make(made) a video 制作录像。

spent about 21 hours 大约花了21小时

inside --outside (反) 里面—外面。


2013 2014学年六年级英语复习提纲。1.26个字母 5个元音字母 的书写。2.日常礼貌用语 问候 告别 致谢 道歉 祝愿 3.主要节日。4.日常生活用语。1 询问与回答日常生活话题 自我介绍 年龄 身高 体重 颜色 季节与天气 时间 时 日期 星期 数量 爱好 职业 理想 出行方式等。2 简单...


四种时态。五种句子。1.陈述句 叙述某个事实的句子,包括肯定句和否定句。例 i like cats.i h en t got a car.2.一般疑问句 对某个事实表示疑问的问句,通常由陈述句将be h e has can will或者辅助动词do does did提到主语的前面变成。用yes 或n...


be am is are 过去式 am is was are were 特殊疑问词还有很多 where how which what time how long how much how many 需要同学们在学习中发现和积累。四种时态。一 一般现在时通常在句中含有usually often som...