
发布 2020-07-26 03:37:28 阅读 6541

pep 六年级上册第五单元 a let’s read教学设计。


1.能够听、说、认读let’s read部分的短文,完成相应的活动。

2.能够运用所学语言较好完成task time 部分的活动。



what does he \she do? where does he \she work? how does she\he go to work?

2.本课难点是帮助学生理解短文中的新语言,如,help the bank use their money well, likes helping people, help tourists find their way.






cai , word cards and pictures, some objects


step 1. warm-up

1. greetings and name the groups

hello, boys and girls. how are you?

team 1 and 2 are group engineer team 3 and 4 are group accountant

2. sing a song with movements: hokey pokey ( use ppt)

设计意图: 通过ppt **动漫歌曲hokey pokey,学生从色彩丰富,形象生动活泼的图象以及美妙的**中快乐的开始了他们崭新的一课,充分地体现了乐中学,学中乐的教学原则。

step 2. preview

1. present the title on bb ( my friends )

2. present the main sentence patterns by asking a student about his good friend:

a. what does he \ she do? she is a\an…

b. where does he \ she work\ study? she works \studies in…

c. how does she go to work? she goes by…

1. teacher introduces her three good friends one by one with the help of ppt, flash cards and some objects.

a. the first friend: wang li ( present the new words and pictrues on ppt )

b. the second friend: li xiaobin (present the new words and pictures on ppt )

c. the third friend: yuan yuan (present the new words and pictures on ppt )


2. get the students to match the key words with the right person( wang li and yuan yuan ) in team competition.

wang li: engineer, design, factory, drawing.

yuan yuan: policewoman, tourist, helping, english.


3answer the questions:

a. what does yuan yuan do?

b. where does wang li work?

c. how does li xiaobin go to work?

d. what’s yuan yuan’s hobby?

e. who helps a bank with their money?

the text after the video and answer the “ yes, no”questions.

5. make judgments in pairs by a competition.

6. make up a short story with the given words and pictures in groups.


7. say a tongue twister: a friend in need is a friend indeed.



pep 小学英语六年级上册unit 5 a let s talk 本节课例主要采用以对话为主的情境教学模式,采用任务型的教学方法,展开师生 生生的多向对话,培养学生的听说读写技能和综合语言运用能力。主要包括五个基本环节 一 激发兴趣,复习旧知 二 创设情景,感知理解 三 趣味操练,巩固新知 四 学法...


2015 2016学年度第一学期六年级英语第三次质量检测。考试时间 60分钟试卷满分 100分 一 选出正确的汉语意思。10分 b 1.pilota.科学家b.飞行员。b 2.coacha.秘书b.教练。b 3.postmana.渔民b.邮递员。a 4.businessman a.商人b.工人。a ...


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