湘教版小学英语六年级下册Unit1课后习题 2

发布 2020-07-22 14:09:28 阅读 4554


unit 1 a family outing


)1. to ther (在一起)a. eg c.

ee()2. ting (郊游)a. fa b.

wo c. ou()3. r e(骑)a.

id dparent(祖父/母) f ily(家庭)a. am b. an c.

ma二、给下列短语选择正确的翻译。()shopping a.骑自行车() a good time b.

玩的开心() a bicycle c.看花() outing d.看电影() a walk e.

去购物()6. look at the flowers f.散步()7.

watch a movie g.家庭郊游。


) family often goes to the beach in b. on c. at

) to go shopping with his parents is go b. going c. is going

)3.--are we going this weekend?

--we’re going to the zoo.



b. what c. how

) family often a movie b. watch c. watches

)5. we can look the flowers at the b. in c. on

)6..daming going to his grandparents.. look b. is visit c. are; watching

) wang like his family the beach for a

swim.to b. bring to c. to take; to

) children like to play the b. in c. on

)9. my families at weekends.

to outing b. go on an outing c. go an outing( )10.

li ping wants to go to the restaurant lunch

his parents.

with b. to for c. for; to四、选词填空。

ride visit take together watch a at the cana bicycle.



going tohis you going to a walk?五、连词成句。

what, going, are, to, do, you (?goes, my, to, library, the (.

walk, with, take, a, grandparents, your(.)

go, shall, shopping (?

look, flowers, at, we, the(.)


is going to the b(海滩). family has a p野餐)at the liu b (带)food and drinks.

f (家庭)like to go on an out going at are happy to h**e time t (一起).七、根据a栏中的问句从b栏中找答句。

a ) does your family usually do at weekends?



)2. where are we going tomorrow?

)3. what are you going to do this sunday?( 4. are we going to play games?

)5. shall we go to the park?

bare going to the zhongshan

going to watch a movie.

family usually goes to goes to the beach at we are.


i likethe sea.2.刘先生一家经常在公园野餐。

mr. liu’s family oftenat the park.3.我们喜欢一起在公园里做游戏。

we like toin the park.4.他们更加爱对方了。they lovemore.



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