
发布 2020-05-31 20:10:28 阅读 8778

lesson 1 : how are you ?


1.能听说读写teacher your friend pupil welcome back he, she ,说出并且听懂nice to meet you . what’s your/his/her name?

my /his/her name is ——

2. 通过学习本课,能掌握相关的词汇;用英语介绍自己的朋友。

3. 培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。能在真实地环境中进行会话。


1. 书写时应注意的问题以及how are you 的其它回答方式。

2、you can call me的用法。

what’s your/his/her name? my /his/her name is ——

三、教具、学具:录音机,puppet男,puppet女,steven、 kim , 的**。


warming up


如 t: morning ,boys and girls. ss: morning, miss…. how are you?

t: fine, thanks . how are you? ss : very well, thank you.

2、sing a song“how are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫。

new concepts

free talk .复习:what’s your name?

nice to meet you! how are you? how old are you?

how many ? how much? how do you feel?


2. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话模仿练习what’s your/his/her name? my /his/her name is ——教师板书what’s your name?

my name is ——指导学生书写时注意的问题,引导学生书写what’ his name? his name is ——what’s her name? her name is ——

3.出示mr. wood的**,向学生自我介绍“hello!

i’m your new teacher! you can call me mr. wood.

nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说you can call me…,先生用mr.女士用miss。

或ms.让学生用这个句型自我介绍。you can call me…

4. 介绍steven and kim

t:(指着一个男生)is he a boy? s1: yes, he is a boy.

t:(指着一个女生)is she a boy? s2: no, she is a girl.

t: very good ! 向学生介绍steven and kim两个新朋友并请自愿的同学介绍他们。

he is a name is steven. she is a girl. her name is kim.



6. 做接龙游戏。教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生what’s your name?

what’s his name? 然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:

如指的是女生则用what’s her name?来询问及用第三人称转述)


学生以组为单位用he, she ,what’s your/his/her name? my /his/her name is ——

you can call me等自编新对话,下节课向大家展示。

六、板书设计: lesson 1: how are you ?

i——my you——yourboy——he——his

what’s your name? my name is ——girl——she——her

lesson 2: is this your pencil?

一、 教学目标:

1:掌握单词pencil pencil box ruler crayon whose

2:了解名词所有格形式:steven’s __

3:听懂,并能在生活中正确的使用is this your___whose __is this?

is this ⅹⅹs pencil box?


1:单词pencil pencil box ruler crayon whose

2: 名词所有格形式:steven’s __

难点: 一般疑问句 is this youris this ⅹⅹs pencil box?

whose __is this?



一)、greeting teacher: how are you ?

students: fine , thank you. how are you?

teacher : fine ,thanks.


what’s his name? what’s her name? do the hokey pokey turn around .

we’re good my friend. she’s my friends. do the hokey pokey turn around.

we’re good friends. (边唱边指一男孩和一女孩,加上hokey pokey turn around等动作)

“stop go”练习介绍自己的同学。5名学生在教师的指令下在教室内前进,教师说停时,学生介绍离自己最近的同学。如:

this is __she is a girl . she is my friend. what’s his/her name?

his / her name is___

3、听音画画写单词,复习学习用具。pencil,pen, desk, chair,book…(在黑板上画画。写单词)

三)new concept

1. what’s this? 教师利用实物进行展示并板书单词带领学生朗读。

2. 板书this is a___后,指着黑板问 is this a __板书)引导学生观察两句的不同:this 和is位置,标点的变化,大写的字母等。

3. 练习句型this is a___利用课开始时复习的画,也可以利用教室里的实物。)

this your pencil?(询问一生)让学生猜想句子的意思。得到肯定回答后,向同学们说:

this is ⅹⅹs pencil. 让学生猜想句子的意思,然后讲解。让学生观察书上的句子。

让学生找出句型的不同,is this your___whose __is this?

5. 学生自己试读第3幅图,找出与图1的不同之处,进行板书。

6. play a game. guess.

(请一生背朝大家后,准备好物品, 用不同的物品练习)is this ⅹⅹs pencil box? this is ⅹⅹs pencil box . whose __is this?

7. 听音跟读。


五、板书lesson 2: is this your pencil?

pencil pencil box ruler crayon whose

this is a pencilis this athis is steven’s pencil.

is this ⅹⅹs pencil box? this is ⅹⅹs pencil box . whose __is this?

lesson3: where are they?

教学目标:1、掌握单词blackboard desk schoolbag between beside classroom see

2、掌握句型 where are they?以及方位词 in on under beside between

教学重点: 1、blackboard desk schoolbag between beside

2、句型where are they?及回答。

教学难点:句型where are they?及回答。what can you see?



t : how are you ? ss: fine , thank you. how are you? t : fine ,thanks.


t:what’s your name? s: my name is___

t:what’s his/her name? s: his / her name is学生之间互相练习。

what is it? what’s this? what are these?

三、new concept

1、guess:what’s this?

t: this is my bag, there are many things in the bag. please guess:

what’s this? ss学生依次答出pen , ruler, perncil box,crayon,pencil)


2、练习: what’s this? this is a___what are these?

these are在练习过程中,教师指导学生this is a 后面接名词单数,而these are后面接的是名词复数。


unit 1unit 2 1 home家25 get up起床。2 bed 床26 brush your teeth刷牙。3 bedroom 卧室27 wash your face洗脸。4 computer电脑,计算机28 h e your breakfast吃早餐。5 desk课桌29 egg 鸡...


unit 2连词成句。1.nine,h e,i,toys.2.your,on,maths,chair,book,your,put.3.what,schoolbag,is,new,colour,your?4.you,thank,much,so.5.your,what s,schoolbag,in?6....


泗阳县爱园小学2013 2014学年度第一学期期中调研测试。四年级英语试题 50分 得分 卷首语 亲爱的小朋友们,欢迎你来到英语智慧乐园,相信你一定能收获许多智慧的果实!一 choose the different world 选出不同类的单词。10分 1.c.banana 2.b.many c.s...