人教新版四年级下册句型梳理 详

发布 2023-01-23 16:53:28 阅读 1989

四年级下册句型梳理姓名, ]重点句子 ①welcome to my new home.欢迎来到我的新家。 ②look at my bedroom.

看我的卧室。 ③there is a new computer.这儿有一台新的电脑。

④it’s a birthday gift from my father.它是爸爸送我的礼物。⑤what’s in the living room?

客厅里面有什么? there are three kites and a big clock on the wall.墙上有三个风筝和一个大钟表。

⑥come into the kitchen.进入厨房。⑦will you come to my birthday party?

你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?i’d love to.我很乐意去。

⑧can you do some housework with me? 你能和我一起做家务吗?ok.

好的。 i’ll make the bed.我来整理床铺。

⑨what (else) can i do for you?我(还)能为你做什么? cover the computer first and then clean the windows with me.

先盖上电脑,然后和我一起擦玻璃。 ⑩what are you doing?你现在在干什么?

i’m washing the mugs.我正在洗杯子。,

重点句子 ①it’s time to get up.该起床了。 ②what’s the time?

=what time is it?现在几点了? it’s +数字+( o’clock).

现在…点了。 ③let’s h**e breakfast (together).让我们(一起)吃早餐吧。

④this is the way.这是种方法。 ⑤what’s the first class?

第一节课是什么? it’s chinese.它是语文课。

⑥it’s time for lunch.该吃午饭了。 ⑦what do you h**e?

你们吃什么? we h**e rice, chicken and eggplant.我们吃米饭,鸡肉和茄子。

⑧put away your pen, pencil and all school things first.先收拾好你的钢笔,铅笔和所有的学具。 ⑨i’ll do that.

我会去做。 ⑩what a nice dinner!多棒的晚餐呀!

11. what’s in the timetable? 时间表里有什么?

i get up at six o’clock.我起床在六点钟。,

重点句子①how many words do you h**e? 你有多少个单词?we /i h**e 26 words.

我们/ 我有26个单词。how many students are there in your class?你们班里有多少学生?

there are 32 students.有32个学生。 how many boys and how many girls?

多少个男孩和多少个女孩? there are 18 boys and 14 girls.有18个男孩和14个女孩。

how many classes do you h**e today?今天你有多少节课? we h**e six classes today.

我们有六节课。②we are neighbors.我们是邻居。

③what’s your number?你多少号? i’m number thirty.

我的号码是30。 ④may i ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?

yes, please.可以,请。 ⑤what are they?

它们是什么? they are maths, chinese and music.它们是数学、语文和**。

⑥what subjects do you like? 你喜欢什么学科?i like chinese.

我喜欢语文。⑦we all like it.我们都喜欢它。

⑧what subject do you like best? 你最喜欢什么学科?i like english best.

我最喜欢英语。⑨what do you do in english class?你在英语课上干什么?

we listen and do.我们听和做。 ⑩we do everything in english.


how many days are there in a week?一周里面有几天?there are seven days in a week.

一周里面有几天? ②what are they?他们是什么?

they are…他们是…③what day is today/the first day/the next day/the last day?今天/第一天/明天/最后一天是星期几?today/the first day/the next day/the last day is monday…今天/第一天/明天/最后一天是星期一 ④look at my chinese book.

看我的语文书。⑤what a nice book.多么好的一本书啊。

⑥do you like chinese/sports/playing football?你喜欢语文/体育运动/踢足球吗?yes,i do.

是的,我是。no, i don’t. 不,我不是。

⑦shall we talk in chinese/english?我们能用汉语/英语交谈吗?ok!

好的!⑧when do you h**e pe classes?你们什么时候有体育课?

we h**e pe classes on monday.我们周一有体育课。

what do you usually do on weekends?你在周末经常干什么?i usually go to the theme park on sundays.

我常常在周日去游乐场。⑩i h**e a music class this morning/afternoon/evening.我今天早上/下午/晚上有节**课。

,we h**e a picnic/go swimming?我们去野餐/游泳好吗? fine today.

今天天气很好。 h**e so many things for our picnic.我们野餐有很多的东西。

would you like?你喜欢些什么?i would like some bread and sausages.

我想要一些面包和香肠。 you are.给你。

is saturday..明天/今天/昨天是星期六… h**e a party with my friends.我和我朋友们有一个聚会。

go to my music class.我要去上**课。 you interested in drawing?

你对画画感兴趣吗?yes,i am. no,i’m not.

enjoy/like singing.我喜欢唱歌。 can run/dance.

我喜欢跑步/跳舞。 are you interested in?你对什么感兴趣?

i’ m interested in paintng,我对画画感兴趣。 be a good singer/dancer/painter.你将会成为一个好的歌唱家/舞者/画家。

you good at singing?你擅长唱歌吗?yes, i am.

no, i’m would you like to buy?你想买什么?i would like to buy a ruler.


is out in two days.学校放假两天。 you like to take a trip?

你想去旅行吗? certainly.当然了。

shall we go?我们要去哪? want to go the great wall.

我想去长城。 ideas?有主意吗?

ready to go.我准备好出发了。 take a trip.

让我们去旅行吧。8they are so tall/short .他们真高/矮。

h**e long/short necks.他们脖子真长/短。 at those/these ducks.

看那些/这些鸭子。 they ducks?他们是鸭子吗?

no,they aren’ are swans.不,他们不是。他们是天鹅。

are these/those?这些/那些是什么?these/those are….

这些/那些是… are colourful.他们真是多姿多彩啊。 like to go on the bumper cars.


we’ll go to the great wall.明天我们将去长城。 can we go there?

我们怎么到达那? can by coach/bus/car/bike.我们可以乘坐长途汽车/公交车/小汽车/骑自行车。

18,who are on the roller coaster?谁在过山车上?


pep小学英语四年级下册单词检测。姓名班级。一 单词 一楼二楼三楼教师办公室。图书馆操场计算机房美术教室 教室紧邻 在 近旁作业。班 班级花园,菜园食堂体育馆。卫生间方向电视机房早餐 午餐晚餐英语课 课。体育课起床上学回家。睡觉结束现在,目前点钟。小孩三十快点快,加油。稍等一会儿寒冷的凉爽的热的。阳...


unit 1unit 2 1 home家25 get up起床。2 bed 床26 brush your teeth刷牙。3 bedroom 卧室27 wash your face洗脸。4 computer电脑,计算机28 h e your breakfast吃早餐。5 desk课桌29 egg 鸡...

四年级下册语文教材梳理专项部分 句子人教版

专项部分句子 桂林山水 1.漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠。这句话中 无暇的翡翠 是说十分纯洁,没有任何半点的绿色宝石,作者把漓江的水比作一块 无瑕的翡翠 既说明漓江水的 绿 的特点,又表达了作者对漓江水的赞美和珍爱之情。2.这样的山围绕着这样的水,这样的水倒映着这样的山,再加上空中云雾...