
发布 2020-04-11 06:03:28 阅读 6320




1. go often ( 2. eat breakfast ( 3. tree sleep (

4. first third ( 5. dinner her (


)1. summer a .hot ….b. skate ..c .cool

)2. season a. sunny b. windy c..fall

)3. sports a. swim b. go shopping grandparents

)4. date a. apple b. may 31th c. birthday

) a .teacher’s day b. women’s day c. children’s day


1. short (反义词)__

2. twelve ( 序数词。

3. thin (反义词。

4. tuesday (缩写形式。

5. aug. (完全形式。

6. leaf (复数形式。

7. sun (形容词。

8. like (第三人称单数形式。

9. wear (同音词。

10. who’s (完全形式。


1. t___day is in september.

2. she usually plays the p___on the weekend.

3. thank you for t___me about your day.

4. her b___is in fall.

5. he does morning e___every day.


)1. a:when do you go to school? b: _7:20.

a it’sb atc on

)2. my birthday is __february.

a atb onc in

) season do you like best? b: fall.

a whyb whatc which

)4. a:what’s the date ? b:it’s __

a 6:40 b may 9thc my birthday

)5. january is the __month of a year.

a firstb second c third

) would you like , beef or mutton ?

___some pork .

a. i like b. i’d like c. i would

( )7. i can play __snow __winter.

a. at, at b. to, in c. with , in

( )8. what’s the weather __today ?

a. in b. at c. like

( )9. national day is in __

a. september b. october c. november

( )10. let’s __a birthday card for her .

a. makes b. ****** c. make


1. i’d like some carrot juice.(对划线部分提问)

would you

2. it’s monday today. (对划线部分提问)

is it today ?

3. i usually play sports after class .(改为一般疑问句)

you usually __sports after class?

4. i like spring best. (同义句)

my __season is __

5. i often clean my room on the weekend .(对划线部分提问)

do you often __on the weekend ?


1. do, what , the , weekend, do , you , on ,

2. birthdays, are, how , there, many, january, in .

3. you , where , saturdays , sports, do , on , play ?

4. is , today , tuesday .

5. i , homework , often , do , watch , my , and , tv .


a栏b栏。 )1. which season do you like besta june 1th.

)2. when is your birthdayb because i can swim.

)3. why do you like summerc it’s may 23th.

)4. when do you go to bedd at 9:00

)5. when is the children’s daye spring.


i like summer. it’s very hot. then i can __in the sea.

spring is beautiful. but it isin fall, it’s always windy and cold .i can __with my friends.

winter is very cool. i canand make a


i’m mary. it’s my diary(日记)。today is april 5th, it’s my birthday.

it’s windy and warm. i get up at 6:20, after breakfast, i visit my grandparents.

and then, i climb mountains with my friends. in the afternoon, i watch tv and go shopping with my parents. my father and i like summer best, because we can swim.

my mother like spring best, she likes to climb mountains. we are happy today.

1. when is mary’s birthday?

2. what’s the weather like today?

mary’s f**ourite season?

does mary do in the afternoon?

does mary’s mother like spring?


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