
发布 2020-04-11 05:28:28 阅读 5021



. 找出下列单词中所缺的字母。(10×1')

)1. f nny (滑稽) a. a b. u c. o

)2. cl ver(聪明的) a. a b. e c. o

)3. fr day (星期五) a. i b. a c. u

)4. ice cr m(冰激淋)a. ua b. ae c. ea

)5. c k(煮饭)a. ee b. aa c. oo

)6. pl nt(植物) a. a b. e

)7. bes de(在……旁边)a. a b. i c. u

)8. for st(森林)a. a b. i c. e

)9. ph to(**)a. i b. a c. o

)10. d nce(跳舞)a. u c. a


)1. helpful a. 辛勤的 b. 可爱的 c. 有用的 d. 有帮助的。

)2. thursday a. 星期二 b. 星期三 c. 星期四。

)3. kung fu a. 瑜珈 b.跳舞 c. 功夫。

)4. bottle a. 瓶子 b. 盒子 c.碗。

)5. mountain a. 森林 b. 高山 c. 建筑物。

. 单项选择题。(15×2')

)1. —do you know miss li? —yes

a. i am b. i don’t c. i do

)2she like? —she is kind.

a. what b. who’s c. what’s

)3. there a book on the desk. a. are b. be c. is

)4. i can’t do kung fu. a. any b. some c. lots

)5. —what do you on mondays?

—i h**e english and math.

a. do b. h**e c. has

)6is he ? mr zhao.

a. who b. what c. where

)7it’s tuesday.

a. what day is it to day? b. what’s the weather like today

c. what time is it now?

)8. there many pears and a banana on the table.

a. is b. are c. am

)9. i h**e a p. e class fridays.

a. in b. at c. on

)10. —what’s your f**orite food

a. apple b. water c. chicken

)11. there is a village in front the mountain.

a. at b. in c. of

)12. —what would like tofish.

a. drink b. eat c. h**e

)13. i can play piano (钢琴)

a. the b. /c. a

)14. —is there a forest in the park? —no

a. there is b. there isn’t c. there aren’t

)15. —i can play football. what you ?

i can play ping pong.

a. are b. of c. about

. 选出不同类别的一项(5×1')

)1. a. monday b. forest c. friday d. sunday

)2. a. sandwich b. do homework c. salad d. hamburger

)3. a. polite b. sweet c. delicious d. hot

)4. a. forest b. bread c. lake d. river

)5. a. juice b. noodles c. tead. water

. 给下列问句找出相应的答语。(5×2')

)1. can you swima. it’s cloudy

)2. who’s you chinese teacherb. yes, i can.

)3. are there any pandas in the forest? c. yes, there are

)4. what’s the weather like todayd. she is very strict.

)5. what’s she likee. mr ma is our chinese teacher.





. 连词成句,注意句首字母大写及标点。(5×2')

1. can, what, you, do(?)

2. are, some apples, there, on the table, (

3. he, like, what’s (?

4. would, you, what, like, to eat(?)

5. f**orite, your, what’s fruit(?)

. 按要求改写下列句子。(5×2')

1. he is tall and strong (变成一般疑问句)

tell and strong?

you like apples?(作肯定回答)

yes3. there is a bird in the house.(变一般疑问句)

bird in the house?

4. i h**e chinese and english on , thurs days.(对画线部分提问)

whath**e on thursdays?

5. i like my english teacher.(变成否定句)

imy english teacher.

. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子的对(√)错(×)

it is seven o’clock in the morning, i get up and make the bed, i go to school at 8:00. it’s monday today.

we h**e english math’s, chinese and art in the morning, in the afternoon, we h**e pe class. i like playing football. i often do homework in the evening (晚上) 。


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