unit 1 my classmates, ,
dialogue 1
sally: mom, i h**e a newfrom america.
mom: what does your new classmate look like?
sally: her hair isandshe's
mom: what's her name?
sally: lisa.
dialogue 2
ann: mom, there arein my class.
mom: what do they look like?
ann: their eyes aretheir hair isthey h**e
mom: what are their names?
ann: mary and martin.
dialogue 3
bill: tom, i h**e a new friend. he is from australia.
tom: what does he look like?
bill: his hair isandhis glasses are
he'stom: what's his name?
bill: tim.,
sally: martin, look at these pictures. they are my classmates.
martin: oh, interesting. tell me about your classmates.
sally: ok. this is kate.
martin: what is she like?
sally: she is veryshe's good atthis is fu fang. she isshe likesmike ishe likes to go to the movies.
john and jill arethey are
sally: look at this one, martin. he's tom, my best friend.
martin: tell me about your best friend. what is he like?
sally: he ishis hobby is playing computer games, ,
bill: hello, tom.
tom: hi, bill.
bill: i h**e a newi like him very much.
tom: what does he look like?
bill: his hair isandhe has
tom: what's he like?
bill: he'she likes computer games. he's very good athis hobby is collecting stamps.
just like me. let's get together this saturday ok?
tom: sure. see you then.
bill: bye.
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上交时间: 9月16日
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