
发布 2020-04-10 16:17:28 阅读 5294

unit 3 what would you like?


1. 三明治2. 蔬菜沙拉3. 汉堡包。

4. 冰激凌5. 茶,茶水6. 新鲜的。

7. 健康的8. 美味的9. 辛辣的。

10. 甜的。


1. 你想吃什么。

2. 你想喝什么。

3. 你最喜欢的食物是什么。

4. 今天我们吃牛肉面和鱼肉三明治。

5. 我喜欢蔬菜,但除了红萝卜。


( )1. a. cow b. snow c. down2. a. how b. flower c. window

( )3. a. now b. snowy c. slow4. a. wow b. tomorrow c. yellow

( )5. a. know b. now c. snow


1. delicious sweet chicken2. hamburger sandwich healthy

3. beef chicken onions4. hungry f**ourite thirty

5. water tea salad


) 1. —what would you like to eata. water b. beef c. orange juice

) 2. —what would you like to drinka. noodles b. orange juice c. water

) 3. onions __my f**ourite vegetablea. isb. arec. like

) 4. —what’s __f**ourite food? —fish. a. amy b. amy’s c. amys

) 5is your f**ourite fooda. what b. what’s c. where

) 6. —what’s your f**ouriteorange juice. a. food b. drink c. colour

) 7. fish and rice __my f**ourite fooda. is b. arec. am

) 8. i’m like somea. hot dog b. water c. hamburger

) 9. beef __my f**ourie fooda. am b. arec. is

) 10. i’d like some __anda. tomatos,potatoes b. tomatoes,potatos c. tomatoes,potatoes


1. f**ourite,what,your,is,food

2. like,drink,what,you,to,would

3. like,not,i,vegetables,but,carrots

4. is,f**ourite,my,food,chicken

5. like,what,to,would,eat,you


1. my f**ourite food is fish sandwich.(划线部分提问。

2. i’d like some water.(划线部分提问。

3. i’d like a hamburger.(划线部分提问。

4. sarah’s f**ourite food is fish.(一般疑问句。

5. amy’s f**outite drink is tea.(划线部分提问。


1. i __don’t / doesn’t) like carrots2. hedoes’t / don’t)like ice cream

3. onions __are /is )my f**ourite food4. i don’t like vegetables __but / not)carrots are ok.

5. what would you likeeat / to eat6. i like ice creamis / it’s)sweet.

7. don’t eattoo much / much too8. what’syou / your)f**ourite food?

9sarahs’ /sarah’s)f**ourite food is fish. 10. fish __are / is)my f**ourite food.


it’s sunday today. tom is at home. he doesn’t go to school on sundays.

he gets up at 7:00. tom often has bread and milk for breakfast.

he likes milk very much. he usually watches tv on sunday morning. he has some sandwiches and milk for lunch.

then he often plays football. at 18:00,he eats some tomatoes, noodles and fish for dinner.

and fish is his f**ourite food.


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