
发布 2020-04-02 19:43:28 阅读 1220






a)根据句意和首写字母提示完成下列句子。(5分)1. gwho is coming?2. -what's your fax nit's 68752356.

3. how do you s___it?

4. -are you f___chongqing?-yes, i am.

5. they are not in the s___class.

b)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. -what'syou)name?-my name's jane.

7. they are goodfriend).8. -is thisshe)book?-yes, it is.

9. -what are those?

they arebus).

10. -ishis)in class one?-no, he isn't.


11. kate green is chineseb. japanesec.

englishd. nice12. are these___a.

you bagb. your bagc. your bagsd.

you bags13. -wheremy pictures?-sorry, i don't amb.

isc. ared. be14are you?

-i'm whatb. howc. whod.

where15two apples are thisb. thesec. thatd.

they16. -your picture is very gooda. thanksb.

yesc. that's rightd. not good17.

-is that a toy?-noisn't.

a. thatb. thisc.

hed. it18. -thank you very mucha.

i'm okb. that's okc. you're goodd.

thank you, too19. are you number 414?a.

andb. butc. tood.

or20. i don't youb. shec.

hisd. it's


21. this is a chinese book.(改为一般疑问句22.

are these your bananas?(作否定回答23. those are boxes.

(改为单数句24. i'm twelve.(改为一般疑问句25.

that is a bike.(对划线部分提问26. he is in class one.

(对划线部分提问27. are those your apples?(改为肯定句28.

she is seven.(对划线部分提问)

29. my mother is from shanghai.(对划线部分提问30. -thank you very much.

that's ok.(写出同义句。



iii31. are you nine or ten?a.

i'm ten.32. is this your box?

b. it's a cake.33.

i think you're that's right.34. what's that?

d. i'm ok, thanks.35.

how are you?e. no, it isn't.


36. athisenglish?

b: it's aa: is it a chinese bus?

b: yes, it

37. athose flowers?btheya:

whatthey?b: they're trees.

38. a: what are these?


a: are theyb: no, they aren't mine.39. a: is that his car?b: yesis.

40. a: is shesydney?bshe is.

a: what'sname?b: sorry, i don't


a)this is no. 2 middle school. my friend, wei hua is in the school.

she is fifteen. she is inclassthree,grade she is fifteen, too. but she is in no.

3 middle school. she is in class one, grade is an american girl. she is fifteen, too.

she is in no. 2 middle school, too. she is in classtwo,' chinese very well.

根据短文内容,选择正确答案。41. kate an americanb.

an englishc. a chinese42. wei hua is inmiddle no.

1b. no. 3c.

no. 243. kate is inmiddle no.

3b. no. 1c.

no. 244. lily comes froma.

the usab. englandc. japan45.

kate, wei hua and lily are all in grade___a. oneb. threec.


b)a foreign(外国的)teacher

mr brown is from new york of america. he teaches english in our school. he wears awhite shirt and black trousers every day.

he speaks english very well. he knows a lot. he can

speak spanish and portuguese(葡萄牙语). he can speak some chinese, but not too much. helikes teaching in china very much.

he often says the chinese are very friendly.

we enjoy his lessons very much. he is our good friend.

根据短文内容及首字母提示,在改写后的短文中填上适当的单词。mr brown is an(46he is a(47)__of english in our school. he is(48)__a white shirt and black trousers every day.

he speaks very(49)__english,(50)__and portuguese. he can speak some chinese, but(51)__a(52he often(53)__chinese(54)__are very friendly. we all like him and his(55)__


下列短文的每一行正确的用√表示,有错误的请改正。wei hua with her brother are students.(56)__they are in different school.

they(57)__gets up at 6:05. they don't want(58)__to be late.

they h**e the breakfast(59)__at 7:10. they go to school by bikes.

(60)__they get school at 7:30. classes(61)__begin at 8:

15. they h**e lunch(62)__at the school. in the afternoon, they(63)__h**e lessons.

they go to home at 4:30.(64)__on their way home, they buy thing in(65)__

a shop.



i h**e a friend. her name

试题答案】i. 1. guess2.

number3. spell4. from5.

same6. your7. friends8.

her9. buses10. heii.

11-15 cccdb16-20 adbdciii. 21. is this a chinese book?

22. no, they aren't.23.

that is a box.24. are you twelve?

25. what's that?26.

what class is he in?27. those are my / our apples.

28. how old is she?

29. where is your mother from?30.

-thanks a lot. -you're welcome. /that's all 31-35 aecbdv.

36. what's, in, bus, is37. are, no, aren't, are38.

they're, your apples39. it40. from, yes, her, knowvi.

41-45 bcaac46. american47. teacher48.

in49. good50. spanish51.

only52. little53. says54.

people55. lessonsvii. 56.

with→and57. school→schools58. gets→get59.

the breakfast→breakfast60. bikes→bike61. get→get to62.

√63. the school→school64. to home→home65.


viii. one possible version:

i h**e a friend. her name is rose. she is twelve.

she is from england. she has a small nose,a small mouth and small ears. she has a round face, big eyes and long hair.

she is in class eight,grade one. she is number 9. her teacher is miss gao.


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