
发布 2020-03-31 23:58:28 阅读 3993


unit6 if you go to the party,you’ll h**e a great time!


重点短语】1、at the party 在晚会上 ask do sth.请某人做某事 stay at home呆在家 half the class/students 一半学生 h**e a great time=h**e a wonderful\good time= enjoy oneself 玩得高兴take…away运走,取走put away收起来,放好 all the time=always一直,始终 make a living (by doing sth)谋生 for a living为```谋生 in order to do sth…为了做某事 h**e a party 举行聚会 go to college 上大学 be famous for…因……而著称be famous as… 作为…而出名 make money=earn money挣钱 in fact 事实上laugh at…嘲笑 too much 太多(修饰不可数名词) too many 太多(修饰可数名词复数) much too ( 形容词/副词 ) 太… get exercise 锻炼 let in```进来 help sb.(to)dosth..

帮助某人做某事 tr**el around the world环游世界 all over the world世界各地 work hard努力工作 seem like看起来像 give money to捐钱 be able to能够spend time消磨时间 take the bus乘公共汽车 tomorrow night明天晚上 h**e a class party 进行班级聚会 make some food做些食物 order food订购食物 h**e a class meeting开班会 at the party在聚会上 potato chips炸土豆片,炸薯条 in the end最后 make mistakes犯错误 go to the party去参加聚会 h**e a great/good 玩得开心 give sb. some advice给某人提一些建议 make(a lot of)money赚(许多)钱 get an education得到教育 work hard努力工作 a soccer player一名足球运动员 keep…to oneself保守秘密 talk with sb.与某人交谈 in life 在生活中 be angry at/about sth.

因某事生气 be angry with sb.生某人的气 in the future在将来run away逃避;逃跑 the first step第一步in half分成两半 solve a problem解决问题 school clean-up学校大扫除

二、习惯用法、搭配 ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 give sb.

sth.给某人某物 tell sb. to do sth.

告诉某人做某事 too…to do sth.太……而不能做某事 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 advise sb.

to do sth.劝告某人做某事 it’s best (not) to do sth.最好(不)做某事 need to do sth.



含义:if引导的句子在复合句中表示条件,做主句的条件状语。 1)if it doesn’rain tomorrow,i’ll go to the park.

2)my sister will go shopping with you if she has time tomorrow. 从句可以放在主句前或主句后。从前主后逗号隔开,主前从后if

连接。 if引导的条件状语从句与主句的时态:主将从现

1. if 条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用表示将来。__原则。 we will go to the park if itrain) tomorrow

2. if 条件状语从句中,如果主句有must,can,may 等情态动词,从句用you must stop if the traffic light __be) red.

3. if 条件状语从句中,主句是祈使句,从句用表示将来原则。 don’ t wait for me if i __be) late.

) you __to the party, you’ll h**e a great time.

a. will gob. wentc. god. going )


1.与祈使句+and/or+一般将来时的句子转化。 if you get up early,you won't be late for school.→get up early,and you won't be late for school.

→get up early,or you will be late for school.

2.与with或without进行转化。 if there is no water,we can't live.→we can't live without water.

注意 1.如果if引导的从句中用了will,will在此处是情态动词,表示意愿。if you will help me,i'll finish it on time.

2.在谈论将来可能出现的情况时,主句还可以是含有其他情态动词的句子或者是祈使句。 we may go out if it's fine tomorrow.

3.if 引导的条件状语从句和宾语从句的差别: if引导的条件状语从句意为“如果……”其时态遵循“主将从现”规则。

i'll tell you about it if you come. if引导的宾语从句意为“是否……”其时态受主句谓语动词的限制。若主句谓语动词为现在时或将来时,if引导的宾语从句要根据实际情况来恰当使用时态。

i don't know if he will help me. 我不知道他是否会帮助我。

【例1】if your friend __i'll tell you. a.come b.will come c.comes d.are coming 【例2】 if you go to college,you __a good get b.get c.gets d.got 【例3】i want to know if they___b.will come c.comes d.came 【例4】 take enough exercise,__you'll be in good b.so c.but d.and 【例5】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 (1)if it___not rain),he___play)basketball with me tomorrow. (2)if uncle ian __come),i___call)you up.

(3)she must see a dentist if she___h**e)a toothache. (4)please wake me up if he___come)back5)hurry up!or you __be)late again.


1. 玩得很高兴 2.穿牛仔裤去3. 乘汽车去。。。4.呆在家里5.让某人进来6. 让某人出去。

7.迟到。。。8.复习迎考 9.帮助某人做某事 10.组织一个班级聚会11.玩聚会游戏 12.**录像。

13.一个做某事的好时间 14.一半的学生。

15.如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?whatif helate?

16. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。

if youyougood

17. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

if hetv too much, his parentsunhappy.

18. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。

everyoneif wea birthday partyhim.

19. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

if ittomorrow, igo to the parkyou.

20. 如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的。

shethe trip if she

21. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。

if heheyou.


youfeel) tired, youh**e) to h**e a rest.

2. where __hesee) the film if heh**e) time?

3. if therebe) fewer trees, therebe) more pollution.

4. hedress) more casually if henot work) on weekends.

5. if marcialive) alone, shekeep) a pet parrot.

6. lanabuy) a new dress if the old onebe) out of style.

twinsfight) if theyargue).

8. ih**e) a bake sale if ineed) money for education.


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