
发布 2023-02-22 19:06:28 阅读 9325


there be ..句型表示的是 “某地有某人或某物”.

结构:there is+单数名词/不可数名词+地点状语。

there are +复数名词+地点状语。

如果there be 后面是几个并列名词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致,即就近原则。


a: excuse me, could you tell me the way to beihai road?

b: go along this road until you get to beisihuanroad. turn left and walk straight ahead.

it’s on your left. you can’t miss it.

a: thanks a lot

问路:me, could you tell me the way to…?

2excuse me, where is …

me, is there a… near here?

me, how can i get to….?

me, which is the way to…?

指路:up this street to the end…

along/down /up this street, turn left at the first crossing.

3. go across this bridge.

need to take bus no.718, and then change to the no.108 at……

10 kilometers away from here.

练习。一。 单项选择。

( )1.—_in your wallet, madam?

some money and my id card.

a. where is b. what is c. what are d. where are

)2.—lily, would you like me __you?

yes, thanks.

a. help b. to help c. helping d. help at

)3.—are there __boats in the river?

yes, there are.

a. much b. some c. any d. little

)4.—_milk is there in the bottle?


a. how many b. how c. how much d. what

)5. you can’t turn left when you see the sign __

a. b. c. d.

)6.—_late for class next time.

i’m sorry.

a. be b. not c. don’t d. don’t be

)7. there __a ticket, a lamp and some keys on the table.

a. are b. is c. h**e d. has

)8.—you must __those trees and flowers in the garden.

—ok, miss gao.

a. look for b. look after c. look like d. look at

)9. the reads live __the end __zhonghua road.

a. at; of b. in; of c. at; to d. in; to

)10. there are many students __in the apartment.

a. live b. lives c. living d. lived

)11.—where are my keys, dad? i can’t find them.

look! they’re under the table. you must __

a. put it away b. put away it c. put them away d. put away them

)12. excuse me, can you tell me __xinhua bookstore?

a. the way to b. the way c. the road to d. the road

)13.—can you see many apples __the tree?

no, there are a few birds __it.

a. in; inb. on; onc. in; on d. on; in

)14.—excuse me, _is zhongshan park from here?

—it’s about seven kilometers.

a. how longb. how often c. how far d. how much

)15. there is a beautiful garden __kangkang’s house.

a. in the front of b. in the front c. in front d. in front of

二。 词汇部分。(10分)


1. look! jim is ****** m___planes. he likes it very much.

2. in the countryside, the air is f___and the water is clean.

3.—how many m___are there in a year?


4. lin tao lives in a house with three floors. his bedroom is on the s___floor.

5.—can you see any pictures on the wall?

—yes, but there is o___one.


cross, public, ticket, hurt, before

6. they h**e two __for the movie.

7. my leg __so i can’t walk now.

8. we should look both ways __we go across the roads.

9. turn left at the first __you’ll find it on your right.

10. the __services in this area are very nice.

三。 用适当的介词填空。

pet cat playsthe boll everywhere.

h**e a resta while.

3. my bedroom isthe sixth floor.

put your walkmanthe right place.

can see the librarythe end of the road.

6. kangkang lives farhis school.

7. there are no shopsthe right.

post office isthe restaurant and the barber shop.

buy a new housea garden beside it.

you walkthe road, you must be careful.


1一直向前走)!you’llfind the japanese restaurant on your right.

2. no.15 bus will把你带到那儿).

3小心)!a car may hurt you.

policeman gives a超速行驶罚款单).

5. people must obey the交通规则).

6. how can i到达) the dormitory building?


1. there are some teachers in the teachers’s room.(改否定句)

2. put it on the shelf. (改为否定句)


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