
发布 2023-02-22 19:05:28 阅读 3296

unit 6 复习学案。

i. 重点短语及常用表达:

1. 感谢你加入环球世界节目。

thank you for joining around the world show.

2. 在度假 on vacation

3. 一些…另一些… some…others

4. 照相 take photos

5. 躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach

6. 看这群正在打沙滩排球的人 look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.

7. 看起来酷 look cool

8. 感到吃惊、放松 be surprised/relaxed

9. 在这么热的天气里玩 play in this heat

10. 穿外套带围巾 wear coats and scarfs/scarves

11. 每个人都正玩得开心。

everyone is h**ing a good time/h**ing fun/enjoying themselves .

12. 看望她的祖母 visit her grandmother

13. 开晚会 h**e a party

ii. 重点点拨:

1. 有关天气how’s the weather in shanghai?=_the weather___in shanghai?

描述天气的形容词:刮风的 __晴朗的___下雨的 __下雪的 __多云的___晴朗的___炎热的___寒冷的___凉爽的温暖的干燥的潮湿的湿的 __

回答天气也可以用 it's+v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。


在下雨。it’srain) now . it oftenrain).

it’s oftenrain). there is much __rainy) here today .

练习the weather here is sunny.

the weather here?

the weather __here?

2. 最近怎么样好极了___

1)答句有哪些: ①not bad. ②great! ③terrible! ④pretty good.

2)go 在句中的意思是“进展”。例如:

everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。


3. i am surprised they can play in this heat.



weat the news.

这个消息令人吃惊the news






i’m very __in thisnews.

练习。1)谢谢参加我们的访谈节目,我很惊讶今天来了这么多人。thanksour talk show, iso many people come here.


i am __to hear the __story.

4. others are lying on the beach.

lie (v.),躺”。单三:lies,现在分词:lying


heon the __to __the sunshine.

拓展迁移lie (v.)”撒谎”(n)”谎言”

例如:不要说谎。don’t tell __

5. everyone is h**ing a good time.

everyone, anyone, someone不定代词,后用单数。

h**e a good time



everyonebooks in our family.

6. there be句型加doing 表示。

例:有一大群人正躺在沙滩上,他们玩的很愉快。there __apeopleon the beach , they’re

. 重要语法点:

1. 现在进行时。

1) 结构:“主语+be(am/is/are)+动词-ing形式+其他”

2) 用法:(a)表示说话时正在进行的动作。常用的时间状语有now, at this moment等。有时候用动词look, listen等。

eg. look, the twins are helping their mother do the housework.

b)表示现阶段一直在进行的动作。常与this week, these days 等时间状语连用。

eg. he is helping his father on the farm these days.

c) “be always doing” 常用来表达说话者的某种情感或对某一心理的生动描述。

eg. he is always thinking of other. 他总是为别人着想。 (赞扬)

why are always coming late for class? 你为什么总是上课迟到? (责备)




what are they doing?

they area bus.


1. make2. go3. play

4. study5. rain6. watch

7. run8. swim9. live

10. like11. snow12. wear

练习: 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1) it’s eight o’clock. the studentsh**e) an english class.

2) please be quiet! welisten) to the songs sung by the super girl li yuchun.

随堂练习: )1. “what are they doing ?”they are___computer games.”

a. playb. to playc. playing

)2. how’s the weather in shanghai?

a. not bad. b. it’s sunnyc. he’s funny.

)3. how’s it going?

a. it’s raining. b. it’s moodyc. pretty good.

)4. i’m looking at __of history.

a. five thousand year

b. five thousands years

c. five thousand years

)5. thank you for __me to study english.

a. to helpb. helpingc. help


1.it’s raining now. (改为否定句)

2. my uncle is playing basketball. (对划线部分提问)

___is your uncle __

3. it’s snowing in london. (对划线部分提问)

iv. 汉译英。

1.天气怎样? 热而潮湿。


2. 你近况怎样? 相当不错。

how3. 玛丽正在看电视吗? 不,在做饭。

__ mary __tv now? no. she

test time for unit 6

) 1he’s playing volleyball.”


七年级下英语unit 6.i m wathching tv.第一课时。一 学习目标 1.日常活动的表述及发现动词加ing形式的规律。2.初步了解正在进行时的意义及用法。3.将正在进行时在对话练习中灵活运用。学习重点 动词ing形式的规律 正在进行时的运用。2 预习内容 1.写出下列动词的 ing形式...


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仁爱英语七年级 下 Unit6复习

unit 6topic 1 一 词汇 front of在的前面 from sb.收到某人的来信 to靠近 back归还 a while一会儿 upstairs上楼 a look看一看 away把收起来 with a ball玩球 the second floor在第二层 after照顾 照看 照料 ...