
发布 2020-03-31 13:34:28 阅读 2792


总分 120分考试时间 90分钟命题人:xxx


二、听对话,选出你所听到的句子。 听两遍。(5分)。

) are you ? old are you? do you do?

) evening afternoon morning

)8. your name? this in english? color is it?

)9. you spell it ? do you spell it ? it , please!

)10. key is yellow. pen is orange orange is orange


) morning. afternoon. evening.

) are you.

) a jacket. green.

) to meet you ,too. evening . an orange .


)1.—what’s this in english ?—it’s __orange .

a. ab. anc./

)2.--what color is it

a. it’s a rulerb. it’s a white . c. it’s blue .

)3.—14. is this your rulerit’s my ruler.

it is b. no, it isn’t c. no, it is d. yes, this is

)4. 下列字母书写时占相同格数的一组是___

a. ace b. bcd c. fghd. bcf

)5. 含有字母ee发音的是___

a. bb cc dd gg evening b. ff ll mm nn

c. aa hh graced. frank thanks

)6.“不明飞行物”的简称是 。

)7. what color is __pen?

a.ab.thec.an d./

)8are you, helen? —i’m ok, thanks.

a. howb. howc. what

)9. lucy and lily sisters.

a. is b. amc. ared. be

)10. 英语字母中有两个可以独立成词,它们分别是___和___o c. a , e d. u , i

)11.--what’s thatit’s __xx and __uu.

a. an , anb. an , a c. a , an d. a , a


a.l,s, m , l , s , l , m


a. is this your pen b. is that a pen

c. what’s thisd. how do you spell pen

)14. my friend’s name is __

a.sun hui min b.sun huimin c.sun hui min d.sun huimin

)15. -please sit down.

a .hello b. thank you c. sit down d. i’m fine





a map.(就划线部分提问)

name is tom. (就划线部分提问)


it’s4. 李是我的姓氏。(翻译)

li is my

5. i’m mary.(改为同义句)


1.what is缩略形式) 2.i'm __完全形式)

are (缩略形式 you (同义词。

5.it's __完全形式)


ab ) to meet youa. my name is mary.

) are youb. it’s green.

) morning ,jimc. it’s a jacket .

) it’s 0831-**

) your namee. nice to meet you ,too!

) her namef. good afternoon .

) color is the jacketg. i’m fine,thank you.

) your phone numberh. good morning,tom.

) thisi. her name is mary .

) afternoonj. hello,gina .


a:good afternoon , bob!

b:good afternoon , eric!

a:1b:i’m fine , thanks .

a:2b:it’s a ufo.

a:3b: yes, u—f—o .

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导。七年级英语作文辅导方法。一 充分准备,打好基础。为了提高初一英语作文写作水平,平时应加强阅读,多背诵一些句形 段落甚至短文。俗话说 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 只有多读,多记,多背诵,才能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法,如书信...


七年级上册。unit one good morning,everyone 1 the first lesson,we h e to give yourself a name beginning from today,you h e your own english name 2 when we se...

