
发布 2020-03-31 13:32:28 阅读 5137


一、 一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格和能力。4、真理。)

1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从不),on sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年)

2、结构:1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括there be +n.)

练习: a student. my name___be) tom.

2. where __be) my shoes? they___be) here.

___be) the girl with long straight hair? i think she __be) kate.

4. you and i __not be) in class six.

5.__be) there a supermarket on the fifth **enue? yes, there___be).

6. _her parent tall? no, he___

2)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他 (用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)

3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)

行为动词第三人称单数加-s的形式1.- s 2. 辅音+y:

study-studies 3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾watch-watches teach-teaches4特殊h**e-has do-does go-goes

1)his parents __watch) tv every night. 肯定句 1) my brotherdo) homework every day.

2)his parentsnot watch) every night.否定句2)my brother___not do)homework every day.

3)__his parents___watch) tv every night?一般疑3)__your brother __homework every day?

yes, theyno, theyyes, heno, he

4)when___his parents __watch) tv? 特疑 4)when __your brother __do) homework?

they watch tv every nighthe does homework every day.

二. 现在进行时:表示说话瞬间或现阶段正在进行的动作。

1、 标志: now(现在)listen(看)look(听)

2、 结构:主语+助动词be(am/is/are)+行为动词的现在分词(doing)

现在分词的构成:1.-ing: eat-eating 2.辅音字母+e: take-taking

3. sit, put, begin, run, swim, stop, get, shop,(双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.)

练习:1. jimtake) photos in the park now.

2. jimnot take) in the park now. 3jimtake) photos in the park now?

yes, he __no, he __

4. wherejimphotos now? in the park.

三、情态动词:1、任何主语+can/may/must+动词原形 2、主语+ can’t/may not/ mustn’t+动词原形

3、 can/may/must + 主语+ 动词原形? 4、疑问词+can/may/must+主语+动词原形?


1. like+ to do不定式/doing动名词 to do sth3. love to do 4. would like to do sth.

5. enjoy doing sth6. thanks for doing 7. stop doing sth 8. let sb. do sth.

she wants __h**e) a party. does he like __swim)?

thanks for __enjoy) cctv show. she never stops __talk).


go straight and turn left/ right.

go through fifth **enue.

take a taxi(take a bus,take a walk……)

六.综合练习: green __be) a worker. now he __work) in the field. who___sing)?

time __your brother usually __do) his homework? can___come) here by bus.

5. who __h**e) a ruler? they___clean) the room?

7.-_you___eat) dinner? –yes, we are.

___h**e) a soccer ball, but he __not h**e) a basketball. 9.__jim __like)__run)?

___be) from canada. they___not speak) chinese. 11. he wantsbe) tall.


weweat six every day.


___theyyes, theythey oftenno, they


what __he __hewhat __he usually __in the evening? he usually___

答案: h**ing dinner 2. get up 3. are , talking , are 4. do , talk, don’t

5. is doing, is doing homework 6. does, do, does , homework

七.人称代词: 我你他她它我们你们他/她/它们。

主格: i you he she it we you they

宾格: me you him her it us you them

形容词性物主代词: 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他/她/它们的。

my your his her its our your their

练习:1我) am a worker你) are a doctor. _她) is a teacher.

is (他的 )shirt.

3. this is我的)pen.

4他们的) trousers are there.

5. i like this picture. please give它) to我).

6. people get他们的) money from我).

7.__他们) are new students. _他们的) names are lucy and lily.

8. these are __我们的) shoes. can __我们) wear __它们).

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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