
发布 2020-03-31 13:33:28 阅读 3910





) 6. what' s tom doing now?

a. h**ing lunch. b. watching tv. c. h**ing dinner.

)'s helen from?

a. south africa. b. america. c. australia.

) is scott' s sister doing now?

a. shoppingb. sleeping. c. swimming

) are they talking about?

a. food. c. sports.

) are they talking?

a. in the classroom. b. in the library. c. in the hallway.



)11. where’s jim’s father?

a. in the art club. b. in the pool. the music club.

)12. what does jim' s mother ask jim to do?

a. to do his homework. b. to learn the guitar.

c. to help his sister make her bed.


)13. what are cindy' s f**orite animals?

a. lions. b. tigers. c. pandas.

)14. what can't cindy do on weekends?

a. go outb. watch tv. computer games.

)15. what does mike think of cindy's family rule?

a. great. 13. boring. c. bad.


)16. jane's uncle's farm is___

a. near her home b. far away from her school

c. far away from her home

) many kinds of animals are mentioned (提及)?

a. two. b. three. c. five.

) do they like reading on the farm?

a. it's quiet there. b. thev can enioy the clean air.(清新的空气)

c. they can watch the animals.

) is the lake?

a. on the right of the farm. b. on the left of the farm.

c. in the center of the farm.

) do they like doing on weekends?

a. swimming. b. skating. c. fishing.



) you want to playbasketball or playpiano after school?

b./,the c./,

) father is strict___him and strict___his work.,with

) is anear my home. my mother often___there.

shops shop

) wants___a teacher.

be )25here. it’s dirty.

eat eat

) and lucy___listening td the teacher now.

)27.__do you like pandas?

because they’re cute and friendly.

)28.__jim and tom sing english songs?

no, they can’t.

)29.—lily , h**e a birthday to you !

you right much

)30.—john,let’s join the chess club.

you see idea luck

) little girl is kind ofshe doesn’t talk much.

) be __baby is sleeping now.

) usually takes me an hour___my homework.

do ) has funthe quitar and he often practice___the quitar.

playing play, to play

to play play, playing

) tv and my father is __a news*****.


dear dr. rnow,there are too many 36 . at 6:

00 am, my morn always says,"get up and 37 your bed!"then i h**e to go out and 38 for twenty minutes. after breakfast,my morn always says,"don't le**e the dirty dishes 39 the kitchen!

"after that,i go to school 40 because i can't be late. at school, we h**e more rules--don't eat in class, don't 41 music in the classroom 42 hallways ,.

my dad says i can't play 43 basketball after school because 1 must do my homework. i can play only on weekends. after dinner, i must 44 a book before i watch tv.

but i h**e to go to bed before 9:00. it's 45 .

what can i do?

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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