
发布 2020-03-31 13:10:28 阅读 6350




4. 玩电脑游戏5.运动俱乐部6.看电视。



play sounds interesting

13. 吃晚饭14. 每天15. a list of food

running star17. healthy food



复数宾格 is(缩写。



三、词汇。h**e蔬菜)for dinner every day.

h**e许多)clubs. join us soon.

doesn't like西红杮).

4.—let's eat ice cream. —that听起来)good.

like草莓)very much.

likes体育运动)very much.

7让我们) play tennis.

has two篮球).

mother看) tv every day.

10. i h**e a computer game. it's有趣的).

11my mother有) a nice book.

music听起来) good.

you want to加入) the english club?

play soccer is困难的).

to我们的) school.

h**e大量,许多) books in my home.

family h**e健康食品) for meals.

do sports每天).

sister kate likes bananas,apples早饭).

carrots are汤姆的).


1. i h**e hamburgers for b___

2. here are some tomatoes. do you like t___

3. i like french f___

4. i h**e an ice c___

5. children should(应当)eat lots of v___

6. what do you h**e for d___

7. zhou jielun is a singing s___

8. she eats h___food every day .

9. how m___apples do you h**e?

10. i’m going on a picnic with a group of f___


1.—do you like bananas? -no, i don’t like___it) at all.

2. peter likes___play) basketball.

3. his mother___not) like french fries.

4. i like strawberry ice cream, but i don’t likestrawberry)

5. they likeeat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.

tomatoes very much.

7heh**e) hamburgers for breakfast?

oftendo) after supper?

h**e) many cds,but theyh**e) a lot of video cassettes.

splay) computer games.


and paul like salad.(改一般疑问句)

grandparents h**e many nice pictures.(改否定句)

uncle has hamburgers for lunch.(改一般疑问句)

good friend likes apples and oranges.(对划线部分提问)

family like vegetables very much.(对划线部分提问)

6. linda and tom like french fries. (改成否定句) theyfrench fries.

7. does tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答。

8. she doesn’t h**e lunch. (变肯定句she __lunch.

9. my teacher plays basketball. (改一般疑问句)__your teacherbasketball?

10. we play volleyball. (变成由let开头的祈使句volleyball.


)1play table tennis.

a. let b. letsc. let’s d. it’s

)2does your father h**e __lunch? chicken and tomatoes.

a. what; for b. whatc. how; for d. how; /

)3. what __tom like __for breakfast?

a. does; eat b. is; eatc. does; to eat d. is; to eat

)4. –do you like ice cream for __dessert?

a. ab. thecd. an

)5. -does your friend like salad

a. yes, she like. b. no, she does. c. yes, she doesn’t d. no, she doesn’t.

)6. i h**e a cat. it likes fish. it eats __every day.

a. a lot b. manyc. lots of d. much

)7. -does your english teacher sing veryyes, she does.

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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