新标准 八年级英语 上册 写作指导与训练

发布 2020-03-14 18:15:28 阅读 8757


module one how to learn english



1. 能用“how about ..we should ..

let’s try to ..it’s a good idea to ..why don’t we / you ..

why not ..等句式表达提高英语的建议;

2. 写作微技能:句型多样化,使文章更优美。




1. we’re going to谈谈)good ways学习)english.

2. —i don’t know how to改善;提高)my english.

why not write a letter to diana and要求)advice?

3. here is my advice on学习)english.


4. —i think听收音机)is also a good way to improve listening skills.

excellent! i同意)you. and that’s good for your发音)too.

5看电影)and听歌)are great ways to learn english.

6. we need to listen for关键词)and主意的)ideas.


7. we应该)always speak english in class.

8. —i害怕)speak in front of others.

don’t be shy and try to向……微笑)others first.

9. —tina, you speak english so well. how can you do that?

well, i always practice speaking it尽可能多), even after school.

10. start your对话)with问候)or a question.


11. she建议)you to read english stories and猜)the意思)of the new words.

12. i get to know许多)about the world通过)reading.


13. —i’m not good at writing. can you give me some advice?

why not与……交朋友)young people in english–speaking countries? you can write to them.

14. i often犯错误)in my writing and h**e to写下)the correct answers next to them.

learning new words

15. it’s自然的)to forget new words设法)to use them often and

you won’t forget them!

16. —ms. kingus建议某人做……)remember four or five new words every day.

she also suggests us查找)new words in the dictionary.


1. as much as possible / speak / let’s / english / try to

2. write down / our notebooks / in / mistakes / not / the / why

3. new words / it’s a good idea / spell / aloud / pronounce / to / every day / and

4. pen friends / find / why / we / don’t / some / try to / english

5. need to / more often / practice / you / speaking

6. english-speaking friends / invite / you should / your / to / the club

7. new games / some music / how about / and / playing / listening to


8saying hello to them and asking them where they come from?

9talk about the films or songs with your friends.

10always speak english in class.

11listen for key words and main ideas.

12write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.

13make friends and take them around your town.






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