
发布 2020-03-11 15:26:28 阅读 7741

pair work : students discuss with partners.

then ask some students to talk about their f**orite singers .

step2 1b

do you know the toms? the name of a band, (呈现the toms **),guess:what kind of music do they play ?

how do you know ? is this band famous ? 与不同学生进行交流)you can find the answers in the conversation between alex and d**e


1、 先要求学生浏览句子,了解句子的大意;再让学生听听力。

2、 students check the answers with partners first .

3、 some students say their answers .

step3 1c

where do they come from ? and how many people do they h**e ?


要求学生:do not write the whole words, maybe “u”for “united”, e” for “excited”.

pair work: students discuss with partners.

then ask some students to talk about their answers .

step4 1d

group work

t: i like music, i like to listen to the pop music ,what about you ?do you like music ?


students discuss and write their partners’answers.

then some students talk about their information.

step5 exercises


1)she has already gone to england.(改为否定句)

sheto england

2)they h**e left there already.(改为一般疑问句)

3)i bought a new bike last week .(用already改写句子)

ialreadya new bike.

4)her brother clean the room yesterday.(改为现在完成时)

her brotherthe room.

5)he hasn’t come to school because he is ill.(就划线部分提问)

he come to school?

设计意图》 当堂检测的目的在于考察学生掌握知识的程度,是学生学习活动的一个必不可少的组成部分。

step 6 summary


pop band rock


what kind of music do you know ?

because she/he is ……

step 7 homework

review the new words and expressions by heart.


section b一。读1a,回答1b的问题。二 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。1.告诉我一些有关 的事。2.在天寿山脚下3.在 西北部4.绵延40多平方公里。5.在路的两边。6.一些石兽和石人像7.在古代8.骑马通过那里9.开始建造他们的坟墓10.调查地形11.确保12.面朝南方13.顺便问一...

八年级下册英语2单元SectionB2b 含翻译

dear miss li i d like to thank you for giving money to animal helpers.i m sure you know that this group wasset up to help disabled people like me.you ...


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