八年级下册英语2单元SectionB2b 含翻译

发布 2022-12-15 06:58:28 阅读 1378

dear miss li

i’d like to thank you for giving money to animal helpers. i’m sure you know that this group wasset up to help disabled people like me. you helped to make it possible for me to h**e lucky.

luckymakes a big difference to my life. let me tell you my story.

what would it be like to be blind or deaf? or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands people would never think about this, but many people h**e these difficulties. i can’t use myarms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, orcarrying things are difficult for me.

thenonedaylastyear, me a special trained dog. she also thought a dog might cheer me up. i love animals and iwas excited about the idea of h**ing a dog.

after six months of training with a dog at a animal helpers, i was able to bring him home. mydog’s name is lucky-a good name for him because i feel very lucky to h**e him. you see, i’m onlyable to h**e a “dog helper” because of you kindness!

lucky is very clever and understands many english words. he can understand me when i give himorders. for example, i say,”lucky!

get my book,”and he does it at once.

lucky is a fantastic dog. i’ll send you a photo of him it you like, and i could show you how hehelps me. thank you again for changing my wishes,ben smith

dear miss li亲爱的李小姐。

i’d like to thank you for giving money to animal helpers. i’m sure you know that this group wasset up to help disabled people like me. you helped to make it possible for me to h**e lucky.

luckymakes a big difference to my life. let me tell you my story.


what would it be like to be blind or deaf? or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands people would never think about this, but many people h**e these difficulties. i can’t use myarms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, orcarrying things are difficult for me.



thenonedaylastyear, me a special trained dog. she also thought a dog might cheer me up. i love animals and iwas excited about the idea of h**ing a dog.


after six months of training with a dog at a animal helpers, i was able to bring him home. mydog’s name is lucky-a good name for him because i feel very lucky to h**e him. you see, i’m onlyable to h**e a “dog helper” because of you kindness!


lucky is very clever and understands many english words. he can understand me when i give himorders. for example, i say,”lucky!

get my book,”and he does it at once.


lucky is a fantastic dog. i’ll send you a photo of him it you like, and i could show you how hehelps me. thank you again for changing my life.

幸运是一只神奇的狗。我会寄给你一张你喜欢的他的**,我可以告诉你他是如何帮助我的。再次感谢你改变了我的生活。best wishes,最美好的祝福,ben smith本·史密斯。


一 短语动词分类 1.动词 介词。ask for请求belong to属于look at看。look after照顾learn from向 学习remind of提醒take after与 相像2.动词 副词。take away拿走wake up醒来put off推迟give out分发think ...


section b 1a1.but my mother wants me to drink it.但我妈妈想让我喝它。教材第12页 want sb.to do sth.意为 想让某人做某事 否定形式为want sb.not to do sth.意为 不想让某人做某事 eg she wants me ...


新目标英语八年级下册unit 2 section b 教案。教材内容分析本节课是第三课时,通过对上两节课的复习,巩固所学的语言点,同时学习我们在选购衣服时的态度,并能针对别人的困惑,给出合理的见解,还能以书信的形式写出来。二 教学目标 知识,技能,情感态度与价值观 1 目标语言重点词汇 熟练掌握下列...