
发布 2020-03-11 05:23:28 阅读 6000


1. 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。本时态标志词:

① 含 tomorrow; next 短语;② in + 段时间 ;③how soon;④ by + 将来时间;⑤ by the time sb. do …;祈使句句型中:or/ and sb.

will do;⑦ 在时间/条件状语从句中,如果从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时;⑧ another day

比较 be going to 与 will:

be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些。如:he is going to write a letter tonight.

he will write a book one day.

2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。he is seriously ill.

he is going to die. he will be twenty years old.

3. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如: she is going to lend us her book.

he will be here in half an hour.

4. 在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用 will。如:

if any beasts comes at you, i'll stay with you and help you.掌握了它们的这些不同,你就能很好的区分 be going to 与 will 了。

一般将来时常见的标志词① 含 tomorrow; next 短语; ②in + 段时间 ; how soon; ④by + 将来时间;

5. 祈使句句型中:or/ and sb. will do

例:be quick, or you will be late = if you don't be quick, you will be late

6. 在时间/条件状语从句中,如果从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时。


) 1. therea meeting tomorrow afternoon.

a. will be going to b. will going to be c. is going to be d. will go to be

) 2. charliehere next month.

a. isn’t working b. doesn’t working c. isn’t going to working d. won’t work

) 3. hevery busy this week, hefree next week.

a. will be; is b. is; is c. will be; will be d. is; will be

) 4. therea dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

a. was b. is going to h**e c. will h**e d. is going to be

) 5youfree tomorrow? –no. ifree the day after tomorrow.

a. are; going to; willb. are; going to be; will

c. are; going to; will be d. are; going to be; will be

) 6. motherme a nice present on my next birthday.

a. will gives b. will give c. givesd. give

) 7. –shall i buy a cup of tea for you不,不要。)

a. no, you won’t. b. no, you aren’t. c. no, please don’t. d. no, please.

) 8. –where is the morning *****iif for you at once.

a. get b. am getting c. to getd. will get

) 9a concert next saturday?

a. there will be b. will there be c. there can be d. there are

) 10. if they come, wea meeting.

a. h**eb. will h**e c. had d. would h**e

) 11. heher a beautiful hat on her next birthday.

a. gives b. g**e c. will givingd. is going to giving

) 12. heto us as soon as he gets there.

a. writes b. has written c. will writed. wrote

) 13. hein three days.

a. coming back b. came back c. will come back d. is going to coming back

) 14. if ittomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.

a. isn’t rain b. won’t rain c. doesn’t rain d. doesn’t fine

) 15. –will his parents go to see the terra cotta warriors tomorrow? –no不去).

a. they willn’t. b. they won’t. c. they aren’td. they don’t.

) 16. whoweswimming with tomorrow afternoon?

a. will; go b. do; goc. will; going d. shall; go

) 17. wethe work this way next time.

a. do b. will doc. going to do d. will doing

) 18. tomorrow hea kite in the open air first, and thenboating in the park.

a. will fly; will go b. will fly; goes c. is going to fly; will goes d. flies; will go

) 19. the day after tomorrow theya volleyball match.

a. will watching b. watchesc. is watching d. is going to watch

) 20. therea birthday party this sunday.

a. shall be b. will be c. shall going to be d. will going to be

) 21. theyan english evening next sunday.

a. are h**ing b. are going to h**e c. will h**ing d. is going to h**e

) 22youfree next sunday?

a. will; are b. will; bec. do; bed. are; be

) 23. hethere at ten tomorrow morning.


unit 1 一般将来时。1构成 shall will 动词原形,其中shall只用于主语为i,we 而will用于任何人称。2用法 表示时间未到,动作未发生。eg.肯 my parents will go shopping tomorrow.否 my parents won t go shoppi...


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unit 1 过去进行时 1.它的定义 过去某个具体时间或时段正在发生的动作 2.它的结构 was were v ing 3.正确运用when和while描述过去已经发生或正在发生的动作 1 过去两个持续进行的动作。常用while连接。如 my mother was cooking while i ...