
发布 2020-03-11 04:28:28 阅读 1695


1. the food here isn’t as cheap as that in xindadi restaurant. (改为同义句)

the food here is morethanin xindadi restaurant.

2. han mei wrote this letter by computer. (对画线部分提问)

han mei write this letter?

3. i want to know how i should start the meal in america. (转化为简单句)

i want to knowthe meal in america.

4. i think i can cut it very slowly. (改为否定句)

iicut it very slowly.

5. i can sing this song well, but fangfang sings better. (合并为一句)

fangfang sings this songme.


1. would you mind opening the door?(改为同义句)

would you mindopen the door?

2. my f**orite food is dumplings. (对画线部分提问)

f**orite food?

3. i wanted to know ..

how did you make sandwiches?(合并为含宾语从句的复合句)

4. these courses aren’t the same as those ones. (改为同义。

these courses arethose ones.

5. you’d better cook chicken soup tonight. (改为否定句)

you’dcook chicken soup tonight.

句型转换。1. it’s impolite to spit everywhere. (改为同义句)

everywhere is impolite.

2. i h**e over ten story books. would you like one?(改为同义句)

i h**eten story books. would you like one?

3. shanghai is larger than any other city in china.(改为同义句)

shanghai isin china.

4. why don’t you go to school earlier?(改为同义句)

go to school earlier?

5. get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句)

get up early, yoube late.


1. 1. she took care of her mother at home last monday. (改为同义句)

2. sheher mother at home last monday.

3. 2. the teacher went home after he went over the students’ homework yesterday. (改为同义句)

4. the teacher __go home __he went over the students’ homework yesterday.

5. 3. lucy will give a phone call to her friend.

lucy will get off the plane. (用as soon as合并为一句)

6. lucy will give a phone call to her friendshethe plane.

7. 4. it’s about half an hour on foot from school to my home. (改为同义句)

8. my home is aboutfrom school.

9. 5. tony doesn’t know which book he should choose. (改为同义句)

10. tony doesn’t know which book

11. 1. it often takes about 16 hoursto go from beijing to shanghai by train. (对画线部分提问)

12it oftento go from beijing to shanghai by train?

13. 2. she paid 100 yuan for the coat. (改为同义句)

14. she100 yuanthe coat.

15. 3. his parents will go to mount tai by bus tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

16his parents go to mount tai tomorrow?

17. 4. the train ticket cost him ¥120. (对画线部分提问)

18the train ticket

19. 5. tom gets a letter from his father every month. (改为同义句)

20. tomhis father every month.

21. 1. helen is br**e. sue is br**e, too. (合并为一句)

22. helen isbr**esue.

23. 2. peter was very sad because his brother died in a car accident. (对画线部分提问)

24peter very sad?

25. 3. he said he would no longer live here.(改为同义句)

26. he said helive here

27. 4. it seems that they know how to deal with the problems. (改为同义句)

28. theyhow to deal with the problems.

29. 5. he didn’t get to school so early as you this morning.(改为同义句)

30. you get to schoolhim this morning.

31. 1. basketball started in america.(改为同义句)

32. basketballin america.

33. 2. tom’s mother looks worried. (对画线部分提问)

34does tom’s mother

35. 3. they got along well again after they had a fighting three years ago.(改为同义句)

36. theyeach other after they had a fighting three years ago.

37. 4. i become angry easily because of the noise.(对画线部分提问)

38you become angry easily?

39. 5. michael jackson, of, one, in, the, famous, singers, the, world, was, most(组词成句)

40. michael jackson

41. 51. helen is br**e. sue is br**e, too. (合并为一句)

42. helen is __br**e __sue.

43. 52. peter was very sad because his brother died in a car accident. (对画线部分提问)


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