
发布 2020-03-10 15:18:28 阅读 7713


一、 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

1. don’t触摸) anything on show in the museum.

2. as everyone knows练习) makes perfect.

3. the swe are going to talk about is “online manners”.

4. if you don’t look after your pet bird in pways, it will get ill easily.

5. the teacher spends as much time as he can解释) everything to us.

6. they had severaldiscuss) about our plan of the tour next week last week.

7. jack is working hard to finish the tasksuccess) on time.

8. be a boy with good manners there. it’spolite) to make noise while eating or drinking!

9. the little girl isn’t old enough to表达) herself.

10. look at the sign, it says “no乱丢杂物)”.


)1. hobo isto learnmanners.

a. old enough; from b. enough old; from c. enough old; about d. old enough; about

)2. -don’tlitter everywheresorry

a. drop; i don’t b. drop; i won’t c. le**e; i don’t d. le**e; i won’t

)3. this ispublic place for us to do some reading. don’t talk or laugh loudly in __public.

a. a; a b. the; a c. a; /d. /

( )4. —hurry up! we must be the first to interview the pop star.

— sure

a. east or west, home is the best .b. the early bird catches the worm.

c. every dog has its day. d. too many cooks spoil the broth.

)5. when we are waiting for the bus, we can’t __others to grab (抢) a seat.

a. push past b. push out c. push off d. push away

)6. jim is shy and he always **oid __in front of the class.

a. speak b. speaking c. speaks d. to speak

)7. —do you believe what he said at the meeting?

— well, as the sayingseeing __believing”.

a. says; was b. says; is c. goes; is d. said; are

( )8. amy is talking with shirley aboutin public places.

a. singles used b. signs using c. singles using d. signs used

( )9. british people arepolitepush past you.

a. too; tob. very; to c. enough; tod. so; that

)10. the bag ishe**y for me

a. so; to carry b. too; to carry it c. not enough; to carry it d. too; to carry

( )11. -is that man in a red t-shirt mr. green?

--itbe mr. green. he is in pairs now.

a. mustn’tb. canc. shouldn’td. can’t

( )12. -be quiet please! h**e you seen the sign “no talking”?

--sorry. iit.

a. didn’t notice b. h**en’t noticed c. won’t notice d. don’t notice


1. 绝不要放弃。活到老,学到老。

never give up

2. 讲座的目的是教会学生用餐时的规矩。

students rules for eating.

3. 如果你挡了他们的路,他们不会碰你或从你身旁挤过去。

if youtheyyou.

4. 当我们来到一个陌生的地方,我们应该按照当地人的做法行事。

when we are in a strange place, we should

5. 他们认为插队到别人前面是粗鲁无礼的。

they think it

6. 他们开始谈话时,他们会免谈年龄、体重和金钱。

when they start a conversation they will


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