2024年高考英语试题 全国卷

发布 2020-02-05 11:14:28 阅读 6547

unit one good friends


argue about/over…. 就某事而争论

argue with...和某人争论。

argue for/ agaist...赞成/反对。

argue that...主张,认为。

argue sb. into/out of (doing) sth...说服某人做/不做某事。

he argued with the taxi driver about the fare.

he argued for/against the new plan to be carried out the next month.

he argued that our attempt would be a waste of time.

we argued him out of doing such a silly thing.

they argued __the matter the whole afternoon, and at last agreed __the date for the next meeting.

a. with; with

b. on; on

c. about; on

d. over; over

every time i express an opinion, he always argue __me __it.

a. against; against

b. against; over

c. with; against


share (in) sth.

share sth. with sb.

a/one’s share

jiao yulu shared the joys and sorrows with the people.

it’s raining hard. may i share the umbrella with you?

everybody ought to h**e his share of food.

let harry play with your toys as well, clare---you must learn to __

a. support

b. care

c. spare

d. share


survive from sth...

survive on sth...survival n(u)

survivor n(c)

of the four people in the car accident, only one survived.

he felt lucky to h**e survived the war.

in such dry weather the flowers will h**e to be watered if they __

a. h**e survived

b. are to survive

c. would survive

d. will survie

4、imagine (不可用进行时)

magine sth.

imagine (one’s) doing sth.

i can hardly imagine living alone on an island.

do you think we’ll h**e a holiday?

i imagine so.

just) imagine (it).想想看。

can you imagine these fat men __a high mountain?

a. climbing

b. to climb

c. being climbed

d. to be climbed


suppose sb./sth. to be...

以为某人(物)是。suppose + that 从句表示建议“不妨,何不”; let’s suppose +从句,表示“假设……”be supposed to do...应该/应当做。

在答语中,肯定为i suppose so.“我认为如此”;否定为i don’t suppose so./i suppose not.


i don’t suppose anyone is willing to go there alone, _they?

a. do i

b. don’t i

c. do they

d. are they




especially, 副词“尤其是”“特别是”,用来修饰形容词、介词短语或状语从句,含有超出其他之意,用来加强语气,表达这一意思时,可与particularly通用。

specially, 副词,“特意地”“专门地”,强调有特色,不一般,是专门为一特定目的而进行的某一特定行为。

he likes the country, especially in autumn.

my uncle came to the country specially to see my mother.

it’s always difficult being in a foreign country, _if you don’t know the language.

a. extremely

b. naturally

c. basically

d. especially

7、for example与such as

for example用来表示举例说明,位句中的插入语,其前、后要用逗号隔开,可以用于句首、句中和句末。

such as意为“诸如。之类的“例如”,用来列举事物的一类,放在被列举的事物与前面的名次之间,as之后不用逗号。

languages __french, italian and spanish come from latin.

a. for example

b. take as an example

c. such that

d. such as

8、in order to, to 与 so as to

在做目的状语时,可以互换,但so as to不可用于句首,但可以分开使用,so…as to 。它们的否定都是在to 前加not. 它们都可以转换为so that/in order that 引导的目的状语从句,在从句中要加入情态动词。

i’ll water the vegetables in order to/so as to/ to keep the soil from getting too dry.

the teacher raised his voice in order to be heard by all the students.

he ran even faster __

a. in order to catch up with

b. not to be caught up with

c. so as to catch up others

d. to not be caught up with

___late in the morning, bob turned off the alarm.

a. to sleep

b. sleeping

c. sleep

d. h**e slept

9、so that,in order that

(1)用来表示目的,引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词常与can, could, may, might, should等情态动词连用。

he turned up the radio so that/ in order that everyone could hear the news.


we got up early so that we could catch the first train.= we got up early so as to catch the first train.


i stopped so that he could speak to me.= i stopped for him to speak to me.

so that, in order that引导目的状语从句,一般不放在句首。

2)用来引导结果状语从句。从句中的谓语动词不与can, could, may, might, should等情态动词连用,而用过去式。

he turned up the radio so that everyone heard the news.

10、much too, too much

much too 的中心词是too, 用来修饰形容词和副词,在句中做状语。

too much的中心词是much,可做代词或形容词,在句中做主语、表语、宾语或定语等成分。坐定语时后接不可数名词。

be too much for sb. 意为“对某人来说太。

too much has been done recently.

don’t drink too much wine.

it’s too much for me to lift the stone.

these maths problems are __difficult for me. could you please help me out?

a. much too

b. too much

c. very much

d. such

in my opinion, the students h**e __homework every day.

a. too many

b. too much

c. much too

d. too lot

11、alone, lonely

alone既可做形容词,也可作副词,表示“单独的;独自一人的/地”。做形容词时,为表语形容词,不能用作前置定语,但可做后置定语和补足语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone, 或very much alone。

由alone构成的短语有:all alone“独自”;le**e/let...alone“别管,听任”;let alone“更不用说”

lonely仅作形容词,可做表语和定语,表示“孤独的;偏僻的;荒凉的” 。


although the little girl was __at home, she didn’t feel __at all.

a. alone, lonely

b. lonely, alone

c. alone, alone

d. lonely, lonely

the old man lived __in a __village, but he didn’t feel __

a. lonely, alone, lonely

b. lonely, lonely, alone

c. alone, lonely, lonely

d. alone, alone, lonely


be fond of +名词/ 代词/动词ing形式;

like +名词/ 代词/动词ing形式/不定式;

enjoy ++名词/ 代词/动词ing形式;

be into ++名词/ 代词。

feel like ++名词/ 代词/动词ing形式;

i am not __hiking, but i am fond __singing.

a. into; at

b. on; at

c. into; of

d. on; of


2024年高考英语试题 全国卷

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