
发布 2019-12-28 19:54:28 阅读 8893



1. 时间和地点;

2. 内容:学习唐诗;

3. 课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

one possible version(维克多版本)

dear leslie,how are you? i’m writing to tell you about your next chinese lesson.

we’ll still meet at my school, but not on saturday as usual, since i’ll h**e to participate in a sporting activity that day. so let’s make it three o’clock on sunday afternoon.

as you know, in order to acquire a good knowledge of chinese, you should learn more about chinese culture and history. therefore, this time i will introduce tang poetry to you, which is of great help in learning chinese. i advise you to learn about the brief history of the tang dynasty in advance.

it will surely help you in learning the poems.

looking forward to hearing from you soon.

yours,li hua



1. 展览时间、地点;

2. 展览内容。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

one possible version(维克多版本)

dear henry,how are things with you?

i’ve got great news for you. there will be an art exhibition on chinese *****-cutting this month. knowing that you show great interest in chinese culture, i’d like to invite you to attend the exhibition with me.

the exhibition, to be held in the city hall of xi’an, lasts for seven days from june 6th to 12th, which attracts a large number of visitors at home and abroad. featuring chinese *****-cutting, the exhibition not only shows a variety of *****-cuts in different regions, but also presents to us the history and development of *****-cutting in china. i am sure that it will broaden your horizons and that you will enjoy it.

i wonder if it is convenient for you to join me in visiting the exhibition.

looking forward to your reply.

yours,li hua







one possible version(维克多版本)

dear eric,how’s everything going? the table-tennis team of our school is admitting new players. i’m sure it will appeal to you, for you h**e been enthusiastic about sports.

therefore, i’d like to invite you to join the team. now the information in detail.

the team will hold a range of activities, including some training and matches. and some world-famous players will be invited to give lessons. if you are interested in it, you may either send an email to or sign up in person.

the deadline is june 25th, 2017. i sincerely hope you could join us. don’t hesitate to ask me if you h**e any questions.

i’m looking forward to your early reply.

yours,li hua


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