
发布 2019-12-28 19:55:28 阅读 6524



cats are interesting it's just like a w**e upon the sand --youcannot catch it forever ! like moonheam--no one can hold it in his hand . alwayslively , never fell tired .

but actually , if you want to find a word which can describethem , the best answer is 'as cute as a little girl , kind but naughty .'their eyes willbecome green at night . they like fish very much .

fish are just thier life ! cats alsoneed people to take care of them . they ' re so lovable that there are so manypeople 'd like to feed them , and play with them .

they are very careful in life. whenthey are in danger , cats' eyes will be much bigger , their tails will be like a stick and 'shout ' very loud . after the danger , cats will relax and then promptly go to sleepagain!


i h**e got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. one is yellow.

the other iswhite. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty.

he likes to play withpeople. he often runs here and there. his f**ourite game is playing with balls, ropesand stones.

but the white cat is very gentle. she likes to wash her face. and shedoesn′t like to play with people.

she often jumps onto my knees. i like to give her abath.

oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. we are very good friends. i lovethem.


when i was a child, i raised a pet, named lucky. actually he is a cat. his fur issoft with yellow and white color.

lucky is a good boy. he always beh**es well. iremember when my uncle took him back to my home at first, i was afraid of him.

butsoon i found him is very interesting. i started to play with him. as time goes, we likeeach other very much.

and then my uncle g**e him to me. i was so happy. now healways lies beside me quietly, when i’m doing my winter comes, hewill sleep with me.

sometimes he will dance for me, which is very funny and

sometimes his hands are wet would le**e many “plum flower” on the ground. he isso lovely.


there is a cat in front of my house. it's lovely. sometimes he gets under the car,sometimes loves climbing up a tree, sometimes reaching out to catch a he opens the door with his tail.

it's so smart!

a kitten is a master at catching mice. it always sleeps during the day and getsup at night. it has a different from other animal features:

it has green eyes, eyes likemorning, noon eyes into a line, like the fifteen eyes at night as the moon 's ears are very sensitive. when sleeping, she always sticks her ears tothe ground. the mouse comes.

it can hear the mouse's footsteps far away.关于猫的英语作文篇(五)

round head, big ears, black eyes, heart like nose, plus black and white hair,want to ask who is he? there is my lovely cat - nini.

he is a few years ago, my grandmother g**e me, it was my birthday, it is verynaughty, every time when i returned home, he ran over to lick my naughty little feet,and i enjoyed it very much, but i often eat is it cute and naughty?关于猫的英语作文篇(六)

hello, my name is ding ding, is a br**e little cat, i was wearing a little hat,pointy ears, round face, blue eyes, my eyes will shine in the night. i h**e a beard formeasuring rat holes. my fat body, pointed claws, tail like a small ball stuck to thebottom.

i like fish and mice best. i like catching mice for my master, fishing, andfishing.

children, do you like me?关于猫的英语作文篇(七)

may day" holiday, i went to see grandma. the grandmother cat g**e birth tokittens, small eyes just opened, looks pale, like a mother cat except it is what is notclear, stood up unsteadily like a drunk, for a while to take a step, called voice thinand weak...they just get a kick...

to the cat in her arms drill, kept feeding. themother cat embraced them and licked a happy family! what a lovely kitten!


my f**orite cartoon is tom and jerry .the cartoon is about a never-endingrivalry between a cat (tom) and a mouse (jerry) .tom hardly succeeds in catchingjerry,mainly because of jerry's luck .

however,they still can make peace with eachother in some cases .

tom is a blue cat ,it has a warm home to stay and enough food to eat .but tomstill wants to catch jerry .jerry is the mouse that lives together with tom .


导语 猫,属于猫科动物,分家猫 野猫,是全世界家庭中较为广泛的宠物。你喜欢这个小动物吗?下面是yjbs作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。小猫英语作文 1 my home h e a pretty cat.a black and white coat,it particularly ...


可爱的小猫咪。我家有一只可爱的小猫,我特别喜欢它。它长着长长的胡须,黑白相间的身子后面长着一条细细的尾巴,真惹人喜爱!今天中午我放学回家,发现小猫不在家里了,家里静地边钟声都可以听到,我赶紧在家里到处找,还是没找到,急死我了。突然,我听到了一声 喵喵 叫的声音,那声音好像是从房间里传出来的,我立刻跑...

关于猫的作文 闲猫闲趣

关于猫的作文 闲猫闲趣 226563江苏南通新联中学伊梦文学社王金凤我喜欢猫,享受它带给我的悠闲与自在。在各色猫之中,白猫是最典雅标致的,远看上去,好像一团甜丝丝的棉花糖,拨动你的心弦,跃动在你的视野。两只宝石般明亮的眼睛,冷冷地透出王者的锐气,那股子深邃是猪狗牛羊类永难企及的。精致的脸上,粉色的鼻...