
发布 2020-01-02 15:44:28 阅读 3275



u. 1 一、每题读两遍 1. hello 2. sarah 3. eraser 4. bag 6. pen

二、每题读两遍 1. hello! i’m bai ling. 2. hi! my name is mike.

3. hi! i’m miss white. 4. hello! my name is wu yifan.

5. hello! i’m chen jie. 6. hi! my name is john.

三、每题读两遍 1. -goodbye! -bye! 2. i h**e a ruler, a pen and a crayon.

3. show me your bag. 4. close your book.

5. i h**e a pencil. 6. hi! i’m miss white.

四、每题读两遍 1. i h**e a pencil. 2. hello! i’m wu yifan.

3. bye! miss white. 4. what’s your name? 5. see you!

五、每题读两遍 1. what’s your name? 2. hello! 3. i h**e a ruler.

4. bye! 5. hello! i’m chen jie.

参***听力一、1—6 a a b b b a 二、3 2 6 1 4 5 三、1—6 b a b a ab四、1—5 b a b b a 五、1—5 a a b b b

笔试。一、略。二、6 4 1 3 2 5 三、a a b a 四、1—4 d a b c

u. 2 一、每题读两遍 1. morning 2. head 3. open 4. ear 5. face

二、每题读两遍 1. this is my head. 2. this is my nose. 3. this is my ear.

4. this is my eye. 5. this is my face. 6. this is my mouth.

三、每题读两遍 1. where is your ear? here it is. 2. nice to meet you.

3. open your mouth. 4. this is sarah. 5. touch your nose.

四、每题读两遍 1. good afternoon! 2.

i h**e a sharpener. 3. where is your mouth?

4. nice to meet you. your name?

五、每题读两遍 1. -hello, mike! -hi, sarah!

2. -this is sarah. -hi! nice to meet you.

3. -goodbye! -see you! 4. -let’s go to school! -ok!


一、略。 二、1—6 哭笑哭哭哭笑三、1—5 a a b b a

四、1—5 b a a b b 五、4 2 1 3

笔试一、mom nose bag pencil-case crayon face 二、略。

三、1—4 d a c b 四、1—5 c c a a c 五、4 5 2 3 1

u. 3一、每题读两遍 1. black orange white 2. red green purple

3. finger arm hand 4. mouth ear eye

二、每题读两遍 1. colour the pencil green. 2. colour the sharpener red.

3. colour the bag orange. 4. i h**e a pink ruler. 5. colour the books blue.

三、每题读两遍 1. good morning. this is john. 2. nice to meet you.

3. nice to meet you, too. 4. let’s go to school. 5. ok.

四、每题读两遍 1. i’m chen jie. i h**e an eraser and a ruler.

2. i’m sarah. i h**e a sharpener and a pen.

3. i’m mike. i h**e an eraser and a pencil.

4. i’m john. i h**e a ruler and some crayons.

5. i’m wu yifan. i h**e a sharpener.

五、每题读两遍 1. pencil 2. pink 3. yellow 4. brown 5. hand.

参***听力一、(1) 2,1,3 (2) 2,3,1 (3) 1,2,3 (4) 1,3.2

二、1—5 绿红橙粉蓝三、2 5 1 4 3 四、略。 五、略。

笔试一、a(1 5 6 8 15) b(2 9 10 11 14) c( 3 4 7 12 13)

二、1—3 b a c 三、√√四、略。

r. 1一、每题读两遍 1. show me your ruler. 2. goodbye! miss white.

3. let’s go to school. 4. -hello! i’m wu yifan.

5. touch your facehi! i’m chen jie.

二、每题读两遍 1. hello! i’m mr. tigar. this is my ear.

2. look! this is my arm. 3. this is my hand.

4. this is my leg. 5. this is my foot.

三、短文读两遍 hello! i’m zoom. i h**e a pen, a pencil, a ruler,

a book and a bag.

四、每题读两遍 1. a: good morning, miss green. how are you?

b: fine, thank you. this is miss white.

2. -nice to meet you. -nice to meet you, too.

3. -let’s paint. -great. 4. -bye, mom! -bye!

5. -hello! i’m mike. what’s your name? -my name’s chen jie.

五、每题读两遍 1. i h**e a red mouth. 2. look at me. 3. this is my leg.

4. black black, stand up. 5. touch your nose.

参***听力一、1—5 b a b a b 二、略。 三、略。 四、2 1 5 3 4

五、1—5 a b b a a

笔试一、1—4 b a d c 二、b a a a b b 三、1—5 b a d e c

四、1—4 b b c a 五、1—5 ×√

u. 4 一、每题读两遍 1. duck 2. mouse 3. panda 4. great 5. zoo 6. bear

7. elephant 8. head 9. may 10. super

二、每题读两遍 1. dog 2. duck 3. rabbit 4. panda 5. squirrel 6. elephant

7. bird 8. pig 9. monkey 10. bear

三、每题读两遍 1. hunt like a mouse. 2. climb like a bear.

3. act like a panda. 4. act like a rabbit. 5. act like a monkey.

四、每题读两遍 1. i h**e a dog. 2. may i h**e a look? 3. i’m chen jie.

英语听力学习 英语听力建议

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