高中英语语法 倒装句

发布 2019-12-28 12:13:28 阅读 3040



he likes football.

so do i.

they are fond of music.

so is he.

so he does. 同一主语主语相同不到装。

he works hard.

so does she. 主语不同要倒装。


so it is/was with sb/sth.

he likes english but he is not good at maths.

so it is with me.

tom was born in new york but he couldn`t speak good english.

so it was with mary.

only +倒装(一般疑问句顺序)but also

not only does he like reading but also he can write novels.

not only is he a teacher but also he is our friend.

如果not only...but also强调两个并列主语,不倒装而且谓语动词单复数根据“就近原则”

not only the students but also the teacher is fond of classical music.并列主语。


not only does he like swimming, but also he likes skiing.

在句首。only +时间/从句/介词短语+ 一般疑问句顺序。

only in this way can you learn english well.

only after he told me did i know the truth.

only then did he realize his mistake.


only the boy can solve the problem.


never/little/seldom/hardly/scarcely+ 一般疑问句顺序。

never (before) h**e i seen such a good film.

hardly can he write.

little did he know the truth.

in no case (=never) should students be allowed to smoke.

hardly/scarcely (barely) +倒装 when 不倒装。

no sooner +倒装 than 不倒装。


hardly had he got home when it began to rain.

no sooner had i sat down than the telephone rang.


gone (forever) are the days when i was s child.

gone is the time when we were together.

adj/adv + 一般疑问句顺序 that 不倒装。


so excited was he that he couldn`t fall asleep.

so fast did he speak that i couldn`t understand.

在句首。such +形容词+名词+倒装句+that

such a good book was it that i wanted to see it again.

such +谓语+主语。

such were his words.

such was einstein, a ****** man with great achievement.

until 在句首+时间/从句+ 一般疑问句顺序。

not until i finished homework did i go home.

not until then was he aware of his mistake.


it was not until i finished homework that i went home.


were i you, i would go.(if i were you...

had you come yesterday, you would h**e met him.

should he be given another chance, he would do it better.(if he should be...


came you early next sunday,×

were you to come early next sunday, you would h**e a chance to meet him.

had i time, i would drop in on john.×

should i h**e time/were i to h**e time...

10.否定短语在句首+ 一般疑问句顺序。

under no circumstances(在任何情况下都不) should we accept the offer.

at no time are the middle school students permitted to smoke.

on no account(=in no case=never) will he waste time doing that.

not a moment did he stop ****** trouble.

not a sound did he make during the meeting.



in did my teacher come.×

in came my teacher.

away went the boy.

now is your turn.

here comes the bus.

there goes the ball.


out he rushed.

here you are.

there it is.

12.形容词/副词/名词→前无定冠词 as/though +主语+谓语。主句。

child as he is, he works out the problem.

he**ily as it was raining, they went on working.

br**e as he was, he still hesitated.


may you h**e a pleasant journey!

long live china! 祖国万岁。

may you succeed!=i wish you success.


1.完全倒装 即将谓语动词的全部置于主语之前。常见用法 1 当 here,there,in,ou t,up,down,on 等副词置于句首,且主语为名词时 2 将表示地点 方位的介词短语置于句首 3 直接引语置于句首,其后的主语是名词时。2.部分倒装 即将谓语动词的一部分置于主语之前 如助动词 be...


倒装句型。英语的倒装有两大类型 一 全部倒装 指谓语全部置于主语之前的倒装,有下列几种情况 1 here,there,away,in,out,down,up,off,back,now,then等在句首时引起全部倒装。here is a letter for youthere goes the las...

高中英语课 “倒装句”语法课

高中英语课 倒装句 语法课。在呈现大量的倒装句的语法规则时候,几乎所有的学生都忙着抄写倒装的句型 看着呈现的例句,做着重复的习题,没有时间思考,没有机会发言,感到十分的枯燥乏味,而且有一小部分基础差的学生甚至趴在桌上,昏昏欲睡。出现上述现象的主要原因在于教师忽略了 以生为本 的教学中心。在教学中,由...