
发布 2019-12-27 12:09:28 阅读 6123


i the present continuous 现在进行时。

谓语形式:be + doing


what are you doing now?

it’s raining.

he is waiting for you.


she is teaching at a night school.

i’m reading a book about history.

3.表示将来的动作,也用be + going + to + do形式。

i’m going out tonight.

when is helen coming home?

they’re getting married next month.

we are going to watch a football game tomorrow.


he is always ****** mistakes.

she is always working.

ii the ****** present 一般现在时。



1) 直接加 “s”,works, takes

2) 以辅音加 “y” 结尾,变 “y” 为 “i”, 再加 “es”

carry → carries

3) 以 “o, s, x, ch, sh”结尾的动词加“es”

goes dresses watches brushes

4)be → is, are;h**e → h**e, has


he gets up at six.

do you often wash your hands?

we work eight hours a day.


i live in shanghai.

she is a student.

they like playing basketball.


the sun rises in the east.

it snows in winter.


iii the ****** past 一般过去时。


i was very busy last week.

my grandfather died last year.

he broke the window.

they played basketball yesterday.

iv the past continuous 过去进行时。

谓语形式:was/were + doing


i was doing homework at that time.

he was watching tv when his parents came home.

v the present perfect 现在完成时。

谓语形式:h**e/has + done


i h**e lost my key.

he hasn’t come back yet.

常和just, already, yet, recently, ever等副词及since和for引导的状语连用:

tim has already finished his work.

h**e you seen mr. wang recently?

i h**en’t seen her since 2006.

he has lived in shanghai for 8 years.

vi the past perfect 过去完成时。

谓语形式:had + done


when we reached the station, the train had already left.

by the end of last year, he had written 10 books.

vii the future 将来时。

谓语形式:will/shall + do或 be + going + to + do


i will fly to canada next month.

we shall finish the work today.

it’s going to rain soon.


will you send this letter for me?

i won’t tell anybody what you said.

viii the future continuous 将来进行时。

谓语形式:will/shall + be + doing


next monday we will be h**ing class in the park.

i’ll be meeting him tomorrow morning.

ix the future perfect 将来完成时。

谓语形式:will/shall + h**e + done


by the end of this month i will h**e worked for 10 years.

by the end of next year the bridge will h**e been finished.

we will h**e moved to a new house in two months.

x the present perfect continuous 现在完成进行时。

谓语形式:h**e/has + been + doing


i h**e been waiting for an hour,what has he been doing all these years?

it has been raining since last saturday.

xi the future perfect continuous 将来完成进行时。

谓语形式:will/shall + h**e + been + doing


on march she will h**e been living in shanghai for 20 years.

by the end of this month i will h**e been studying here for half year.

xii the past perfect continuous 过去完成进行时。

谓语形式:had + been + doing


he was tired. he had been working since dawn.

she had been trying to find a job. she still hadn’t found one.

i had been working in a factory for 10 years before i got this job.


1. in britain today women __44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

a. are ****** upb. will make up

c. make upd. are to make up

2. if it __too much trouble, i’d love a cup of tea.

a. isn’tb. wasn’t c. weren’td. hadn’t been

3. unless he __to help us, we shall lose the game.


一般现在时 表示经常或习惯性的动作。结构 1.含有be动词的句子。一般情况下表示长期处于一种什么样的状态 肯定句 陈述句 主语 be am,is,are 其他 eg i am chinese.我是中国人。否定句 主语 be not 其他 eg i am not a boy.我不是一个男孩。一般疑问句...


英语的时态 tense 是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。是表示行为 动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。英语时态分为16种 一般现在 一般过去 一般将来 过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时 完成时和完成进行时。下面就英语中常...


常用英语时态总复习。按构成和状态可分四类 一般时 单个v原 v ed,可借助于助动词do 多形 v原构成否定句和疑问句 进行时 借助于助动词be 多形 v ing 将来时 借助于助动词will 多形 v原 完成时 借助于助动词h e 多形 v ed 动词时态一 一般现在时。表示经常或习惯性的动作或存...