
发布 2019-12-27 12:10:28 阅读 1685

您一定是我们期盼已久的客人……you must be our long-expected guest…对不起,我还没有请教您的尊姓大名呢。excuse me, but i h**en’t had the honorof knowing you.

很高兴与您结识。i’m delighted/pleased to make your acquaintance.

欢迎欢迎,您一路辛苦了。welcome to… did you h**e a nice trip?/how was thejourney?

坐了了这么长时间飞机,您累吗?how are you after such a long flight?谢谢您专程来接我。

thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me.不用谢,这是我们应该做的。please don’t mention it.

it is my pleasure.久仰久仰:i h**e been looking forward to meeting you.

/ i h**e long desired tomeet you.

久违久违:i h**en’t seen you for ages/ for a long time. /it’s been such a longtime since we met last.

久闻大名!i h**e long heard of you.我们上车吧。let’s proceed to the car.

中国菜讲究色香味。chinese dishes are famous for their color, fl**or and taste.用餐举止table manners

中国菜习惯/喜欢吗?do you like chinese food?

尝尝北京鸭。help yourself to/ try some roast peking duck.请别客气。make yourself at home.

菜不好,请多多包涵。hope you’ve enjoyed yourself/ the dinner.您过奖了。

thank you. you flattered me.****!

i’m glad to hear that.

请多提宝贵意见。i would appreciate your comments. /your comments andsuggestions are most welcome.

请多多批评指正。i would appreciate it if you could offer your advice.你在生活和工作中若有不尽如人意之处,请立即与我联系。

if you shouldencounter any inconveniences in your life and work, please don’t hesitate tolet me know.

我乐意为您排忧解难。i will be very glad to help you out.希望您喜欢这里的生活。

i hope you will enjoy your stay here.


祝您参观一切顺利!wish you all the best in your visit/ tour.祝您访问圆满成功!

wish your visit a complete success.

今天我们怀着无限惜别的心情,欢送……with great reluctance, we bidfarewelltoday to…

在这临别之际,我们有一种恋恋不舍之情。we feel reluctant to le**e you at thismoment of parting.

感谢您在百忙之中……thank you so much for … in spite of the many claims onyour time and attention/ in spite of your busy/ tight schedule.

不用谢,这是我们应该做的,还做得不够。it’s our pleasure. and a lot of thingsmight h**e done better.

i’m glad you h**e enjoyed …小小意思,不成敬意。this is a token of our appreciation.欢迎再来。

do come again.

与久别重逢的朋友打招呼:it’s always a pleasure to see so happy to see you again.

you h**en’t been around muchlately, h**e you?你最近没怎么在这里露面,是不是?

how come i never see you?

what h**e you been up to all these years?这些年你都在忙些什么呢?how h**e you been all these years?


hello stranger! h**e you moved or something?你好呀,你是搬走了还是怎么的?

h**en’t seen you for weeks.

it’s beensuch a long time.好久不见。it’s been ages since we last met.



人中 中国人民 u你 i我。h sh 他 她。国家 区域。国家之间。政治 政策 决策人。u协议 合同 祝酒 上面 高高在上 优越。领导人 v 下面 下属。v 优于 期待 次于 回顾 冲突 针锋相对 波折 波浪 分歧 不同点 椅子 主持 主席 会议 讨论。国际 全球 世界 红十字会 医院。渔业 鱼 渔...


1.宣布会议开幕 闭幕。2.致开幕 欢迎 闭幕 词。3.祝贺会议胜利召开。4.作报告 通报信息。5.向 呼吁 号召。6.现在请 致欢迎词。7.举行招待会欢迎代表团 的来访,到来。8.我谨代表全校师生员工,并以我个人的名义。9.回顾过去,展望未来。10.取得预期成果。11.借此机会 值此 之机。12....


1.宣布会议开幕 闭幕。2.致开幕 欢迎 闭幕 词。3.祝贺会议胜利召开。4.作报告 通报信息。5.向 呼吁 号召。6.现在请 致欢迎词。7.举行招待会欢迎代表团 的来访,到来。8.我谨代表全校师生员工,并以我个人的名义。9.回顾过去,展望未来。10.取得预期成果。11.借此机会 值此 之机。12....