
发布 2024-04-06 17:05:07 阅读 6358



)1. a. sofa b. stone c. seek()2. a letter b. like c. let

)3. a. sleep b.

smile c. secret()4. a.

write b. windy c. where()5.

a today b. talk c take()6 a those b these c tidy()7. a.

card b. kid c. hide

)8. a. catch b. camera c. colour()9. a. sad b. cap c. clap

)10. a. weather b. white c. well二、听录音,选句子。(10分)

)11. a. let’s go to the zoo.

b. let’s go to the park.

)12. a. he is listening to the he is drawing a picture.

)13. a. amy is tidying his amy isn’t tidying his room.

()14. a. it’s sunny it’s winy today.

)15. a. they are they are swimming.


)16. a. it’s it’s sunny and hot.

)17. a. i like i am ****** a snowman.

)18. a. yes, he yes, he is.

) no, i am notb. no, she isn’t.

)20. a. i am she is tidying her room.


)21. those girls are playing clapping games.

)22. lingling and amy are skipping.

)23. sam is playing with his car.

)24. she is writing a letter.

)25. it’s cold and it snows inwinter.



)1. a. weather b.

rain c. sunny() radio b. write c.

draw()3. a. picture b.

photo c. drink()4. a.

catch b. skip c. kid()5.

a. sunny b. cap c.


)1.街道a. stone b.

noise c. street()2.写a.

write b. letter c. game()3.

科学a. secret b. science c.

card()4.花a. drink b.

flowe c. behind()5.玩的,迟的a.

talk b. like c. late七、选择题。

)1. -is my cap? -it’s over there.

a. what b. where()2. is the weather like?

a. what b. where

)3. it’s summer. the weather is .

a. hot b. cold

)4. look my photos, sam.

a. at b. on

)5. -is he tidying his room? -he isn’t.

a. yes b. no

)6. -are you doing your homework? -yes, i .

a. am b. do

)7. -what’s the dog doing?--the dog is .

a. swim b. swimming

)8. -can i play with them? -

a. of course, you can. b. you’re welcome.()9. lingling is .

a. skip b. skipping

)10. -do you like clapping games? -

a. yes, he does. b. yes, i do.


) are they doing?

) the weather like?

)3. is she playing with the train?

)4. what do you like doing in spring?()5.

do you like reading books?a. no, i don’ yes, she it’s windy and cold.

d. they are playing hide and seek.

e. i like flying kites.




三、单选。1is my cap? -it’s over there.

2.__is the weather like?

3. it’s weather is___

4. look___my photos, sam.

5. -is he tidying his roomhe isn’t.

6. -are you doing your homework? -yes, i___

7. -what’s the dog doing?--the dog is___

8. -can i play with them

course, you welcome.

9. lingling is __

10. -do you like clapping games

he i do.篇三。



1. r___ler 2. b __y 3.

d __sk __r 5. r___ce 6. h __me 7.

m___lk 8. n___rse rmer g


1. teacher’s desk 2. chicken 3.

beef 4. cloctor 5. driver 6.

bathroom 7. note book 8. kitchen 10.



school bag

food: occupation(职业。


)1. what’s the classroom?

a. on b. in c. at

)2. let’s the desk.

a cleaning b clean c sweep

)3. my friend playing football.

a. likes b like c are()4. thank you .

a. very well b. very good c very much.()5. my books in my desk.

a. am b are c is()6. i many pencils.

a h**e b has c am()7. what your father?

a is b am c are

)8. name is liping.

a she b hers c her()9. what is your pen?

a colour b like c has


there is a big bedroom. a nice bed is in it.

a desk is beside the bed. some books are on the desk. three pictures are on the wall.

a sofais near the window. a big light is beside the sofa.

a t-shirt and a dress are on the bed. what’s that behind the door? it’s a box.

is a dog in it?no, a cat is in it.

)1. the bedroom is big.

)2. thereis a bed, a desk and a sofa in the bedroom.

) desk is near the window.

)4. there is a t-shirt and a dress under the bed.

)5. a dog is behind the door.


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