
发布 2020-12-11 21:52:28 阅读 8127


篇一】一、 写出下列单词的汉语意思(20分)

time ( breakfast ( hour ( lunch (

thirty ( minute ( plus ( jump ( raincoat ( scarf ( get up ( eat lunch( )

brush teeth( )watch tv ( go home( )

wash face ( get up ( play football( )

birthday cake( )teddy bear( )

二、 请为单词选择正确的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。(10分)

)summer a 、 夏季 b、春季 c、 季节。

) cloudy a 、多云的 b、多雨的 c、 雪天。

) bounch the ball a、跳 b、拍球 c、 打篮球。

) rainy a 、 阴天 b、 晴天 c、 雨天。

) throw a 、接 b、 扔 c、 跑。

) attention a、稍息 b、向左转 c、立正。

) climb a、爬 b 、跑 c、 跳。

) sixty a、60 b、40 c、30

) warm a、冷 b、凉爽 c、暖和。

) football a、足球 b、乒乓球 c、篮球。

三、 请将正确的答案将序号写有横线上。( 20分)

do you get up everyday? i get up 6:30.

a: at b: in c: on

2. what’s the weather like today? .

a: it’s sunny. b: it’s spring. c: it’s summer.

3. what season is it? .

a: it’s winter. b: it’s cool. c: it’s cold.

4. tomorrow is your birthday. .

a: let’s go to school. b: we’ll h**e a party. c: thank you.

5. it’s 11:40. .

a: it’s time for breakfast. b: it’s time for supper.

c: it’s time for supper.

6. 如果你想向别人询问几点了,应该说:

a: what time is it? b: what’s the weather like?

7. 如果你想吃蛋糕的话,你应该说:

a: i want to eat cake. b: i want to eat apples.

8. 如果你该上学了, 你应该说:

a: it’s time for school. b: it’s time for supper.

9. “整队” 应该怎么说:

a: attention. b: line up.

10. “when do you eat lunch?” 应该怎么回答:

a: i eat lunch at 10:30. b: i eat lunch 12:00.

四、 请将下列句子连线 ( 10分)

a what’s your f**orite season? i go to school everyday.

what time is it ,please? summer.

what can you see in the picture? it’s 1:20.

what do you do everyday? i watch tv at 8:30.

when do you watch tv? i see a tree in the picture.

b it’s a sunny day. it’s time for lunch.

it’s 11:40. let’s play on the swingg.

it’s 5:30. how can we get some?

it smells good. it’s time for supper.

it’s 7:40. it’s time for school.

五: 写出下列句子的汉语意思。( 14分)


2. i eat breakfast at 7:30.

3. stop playing,monkey.

4. at 5:30, after school.

5. it’s time for bed.

minutes in an hour.

7. twenty four hours in a day.

8. it’s 10 o’clock now.

9. it’s time for english class.

10.50 plus 10 is an hour.


12. can you play on the seesaw?

13. it’s winter in beijing.

14. what season is it?

六、请将26个字母写在下列横线上。(26分 )


1. hello, i am a pig, i am like

colour are the monkeysbrown.


3is this?--it’s a pink pig.


4. what colour are the flowersred and purpleisare

are 5. what do you like drinking in winter? i like drinking



new pair of trousers.

7the bags? they are yellow and blue.

colour are

colour is

colour are

is cold , we like



a ***** rabbit

like my trousersvery nice. isare

10. summer is need


dressshorts it’s sweater, too.


a. it’s purple. b.

i can see six butterflies. five pears. hear a chick,it’s goes”peep…peep are brown f.

i can hear a ship

can you see?()

colour is it?()

many pears?()

colour are they?()

do you hear?()

can you hear ?(


一)today is kitty’s birthday. kitty, her father and mother are in the room. there’s a big cake on the table.

kitty is eight years old. she’s thin and short. her eyes are big.

her nose is small. she has a gift. it’s a nice watch.

they eat the cake together. they are happy.

is kitty’s birthday.

2. kitty and her parents(父母) are in the park.

has a nice book.

at kitty. her eyes are small. her nose is small too.

eats the cake.

二)it ‘s sunday(周日) .it’s sunny and warm. kitty and alice are in the zoo.

look at the elephants . they are big. they h**e long noses.

they are grey. the monkeys are brown and thin. they like eating bananas.

they are naughty. the pandas are black and white. they are very lovely.

kitty and alice are happy.

1. kitty and alice are in the park.

elephants h**e long noses.

monkeys are thin and naughty.

monkeys like eating apples and bananas.

and alice are happy.





1. meat——(答案)

2. friday——(答案)

3. 图书卡——(答案)

4. basketball——(答案)

5. 狮子——(答案)

6. morning exercises——(答案)

7. 回家——(答案)

8. mouth——(答案)

9. 毛衣——(答案)

10. grandparent——(答案)

三、 选择正确的一项。

1. i h**e (答案) happy family.

a. ab. an

2. linda, share (答案) orange, please.

a. the

b. this

3. she is (答案) new friend, jennifer.

a. web. our

4. oh, (答案) is a big butterfly!

a. there

b. where

5. i'm (答案) the hospital.

a. go to

b. going to

四、 连词成句。

1. to , i'm , supermarket , going , the

答案)2. so , is , tiananmen square , big

答案)3. and , beijing duck , go , let's , h**e

答案)4. present , you , is , here , a , for

答案)5. is , today , christmas , it






错,欢迎点评和分享。篇一 一 填一填。34分,2小题 和6小题每空1分,3小题共2分,其余每空2分 1 这支回形针长 厘米这支铅笔长 厘米。2 在 里填上合适的单位 一本书厚1 手掌的宽约8 操场长约60 哥哥的身高1 28 3 把30厘米 75厘米 1米10厘米 100厘米按从小到大顺序排列。4 ...


导语 做英语习题可能在多数人眼中认为是一种附加的负担,语言的学习嘛,做题感觉很奇怪,可是中国的大环境仍然是考试,这种政策是一时半会儿都将存在的,所以有必要做题来面对这些考试。以下是无忧考网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。篇一 一 听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。12 1.a.cakeb.co...


二 选词填空。1 how are you?a oldb bigc am 2 iseven.a areb a areb isc am 4 happy birthdayyou.a tob forc is二 读一读,选一选。1 howareyou?a你好吗?b再见 2 下午好。b早上好。3 howmany...