
发布 2020-12-11 19:23:28 阅读 5587


一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。12%( 1. a.

cakeb. cook ( 2. a.

tableb. desk( )3. hot dog ( 4.

a. coatb. skirt( )5.

a. sweetb. chocolate ( tomatob.



1. a. clean the table, clean the chair, merry christmas!b. thank put onb. take off

i like rice is what are these?b. what are yellow?

are they are flowers.三、听音,给句子标序号。4%( morning, suhai.

) are these? they are ants.

) at the moon.( 4. what’s your father?笔试部分60%

一、圈出不同类的单词。10%1. fathernursebrother2.

bigsmallbright3. deskricechair4. tomato hotdogcarrot5.


二、根据所给中文,选出相应的英文单词( )1、工人 b. worker c. teacher( )2、星星 )3、汉堡 )4、米饭 )5、明亮的 )6、蚂蚁 三、中英文连线。6%

毛衣all right.糖果i t’s bright谢谢你sweater好的i like rice.它是明亮的sweet

我喜欢米饭thank you.四、圈出划线词语的中文。5% some rice(面包米饭)。

a pie (馅饼香蕉)。 some juice(牛奶果汁) like bread(蛋糕面包)。 is a hamburger (汉堡热狗) .


)1、早上好,妈妈。a. put the pencil in the pencil-box.

( 2、你好,王兵。 are my books.( 3、这些是我的书。

morning, mum.

)4、把铅笔放在铅笔盒里。 some rice, mike.( 5、吃些米饭吧,迈克。

wangbing.六、从b栏中选出a栏相对应的回答( )they are carrots.( the desk, pleaseb.

merry christmas!( are those?c.

she’s my sister.( 4. merry christmas!

right.( she?。e.

good afternoon.

七、选择,把所选答案的序号写在提前括号内。5%( 1. the bell is __for b to

)2. what are those? they area. ant

)3.当别人给你礼物时,你应该说 you. b. all right.

)4.当别人感到冷时,你可以对别人说___a..put on your coat.

b. take off your coat.( 5.

当你想让别人擦窗户时,你可以说___the door,please. the window,please【篇二】

m r u g k

f e b d j

biscuit hats ice gloves juice二、圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母。

a q d ) 2. i ( i l t )3. f ( n f m ) 4. r ( r v s ) a b e)三、圈出不同类的词。

1. noodlesglovesdressscarf2. orange cakebanana peach

3. pencil rubberruler pizza4. bedbuscartrain5. redsocksgreen yellow四、选择。

) 1.当小朋友想下公共汽车时,会说: in the off the bus

) 2.小红想吃热狗时,小红对服务员阿姨说: i h**e a hot i h**e a pizza

) 3.老师问你住在**,你回答老师 live in some soup

) 4.你和小朋友说:“我喜欢跑步” like to like to run

) 5.当你过马路时看见红灯,你会说: light, light,go【篇三】

sun isthe sky.

can tastemy

3you draw a dog? yes, i

applesbig and

is my sisteris a

amcan i h**e some noodles?

isfather? he is a teacher? are

likes to swim. i like

dog and wind. it is at to二、根据实际情况回答问题。

1. where do you live? ishanghai.2. how are you? i’m

3. where is your pencil-box? it’sthe4. can you fly a kitei

6. what do you like to drink? i like to drink三、判断,一致的用”t”表示,不一致的用”f”表示(1) sam’s birthday

hello, the ball very much. he says,“boys all like the ball.” is joe’s birthday.

( is sam’s brother.( is three years old.( mother gives him a ball.

( likes the ball very much.( 2) you are a cat

judy:here is the pet shop.

mum:look, judy! the mouse is white. the parrot’s kittens are black and white.

mum:they’re very furry. the puppies are small and i like this cat.

kitten:woof! woof!

judy:say miaow! you’re a i’m a dog.

judy:she’s adog. you’re a cat!

she’s big and and black. her legs are long. your legs are she’s a dog.

judy:you like the ball. you play. you like birds. you’re acat.

is a toy shop.( parrot is blue.( kittens are very furry.(

dog swims and plays with the ball.(


如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治 经济 文化 娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!篇一 一 写出下列单词的汉语意思 20分 time...


错,欢迎点评和分享。篇一 一 填一填。34分,2小题 和6小题每空1分,3小题共2分,其余每空2分 1 这支回形针长 厘米这支铅笔长 厘米。2 在 里填上合适的单位 一本书厚1 手掌的宽约8 操场长约60 哥哥的身高1 28 3 把30厘米 75厘米 1米10厘米 100厘米按从小到大顺序排列。4 ...


导语 数学是一切科学的基础,一切重大科技进展无不以数学息息相关。没有了数学就没有电脑 电视 航天飞机,就没有今天这么丰富多彩的生活。篇一 一 填一填。1 比7大而又比11小的数有 共 个 和17相比,比较接近15。3 个位是0,十位上是2,这个数是 18里面有 一和 个十。4 和13相邻的两个数是 ...