
发布 2024-04-06 17:00:07 阅读 7068


)1. me meet ( 2. tie tip ( 3. good go ( 4. coatboat ( 5. is has


)1. a. make b.

wait c. cat ( 2. a.

cake b. cap ( 3. a.

too b. fox c. zoo ( 4.

a. thin b. five c.

time( )5. a. but b.

mum c. usually


1. cl_ _n (清洁) _m (房间) 3. th_n (瘦的) 4.

s_hoolbag (书包) 5. u_u_lly (通常) 6. h_m_ (家) 7.

sl_ _p (睡觉) 8. m_s (女士) 9. n_w (新的) 10.

t_ll (高的)四。将下列单词或词组和对应的中文意思用直线连接。

新版pep小学二年级下学期英语期中试题:wait for停止athome当然of course寻找look for非常very much在家stop等待。



what are youdoing ? b. when do you do homework ?

c. who are you ?(2.

当你告诉别人”我正在跳舞”时,说:a. i amsinging .

b. i am writing . c.

i am dancing .

)3.当你询问”这个男孩是什么样子的”时候,说: his name ?

b. what’s the boy doing ? c.

what is theboy like ?


what arethey doing ? b. when do they go home ?

c. where are theygoing ?


what are you doing ?she is working .what is she doing ?i amdrawing .

what is your bike like ?she is tall .when do you get up ?i get up at 6:00 .

what is mary like ?it is white andred .


ab:i’m reading .

ahome ? b:i go home根据实际情况)八。联词组句。

1. lunch h**e when do you

2. are playing football we

3. he is doing what4. the bus is what like

5. tall is and fat she

试题答案】一。 1. √2. ×3. ×4. √5. √二。 1. c 2. a 3. b 5. c

三。 1. e a 2. o o 3. i 4. c 5. s a 6. o e 7. e e 8. r 10. a

四。 wait for停止at home当然of course寻找look for非常very much在家stop等待五。 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a

六。 what are you doing ? she is working .

what is she doing ? i am drawing .what is your bike like ?

she is tall .when do you get up ? i get up at 6:

00 .what is mary like ? it is white and red .

七。 a:what are you doing ?

a:when do you go b:(略)八。

1. when do you h**e lunch ? 2.

we are playingfootball . 3. what is he doing ?

4. what is the bus like ? 5. she is tall and fat .

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